
My name is Joanna and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 22. Other than having diabetes I am also an athlete, student, girlfriend, swimcoach, receptionist, boardmember, avid baker, and the list goes on... Interested to learn more? - then read my blog why dont you ;)

Getting ready for a workout weekend!


Have been able to workout really well this week, totaled at 9hrs now, tomorrow is my long run, trying to get up to the half marathon distance, so tomorrow I'm planning to do a 12km run :) and then on Sunday I'm going on a ride with a group of bikers, 43mile/70km ride :) gonna be the furthest I've ever gone and apparently it's very hilly, so wish me luck! Since I hate hills haha

The pictures below are from when Jocelyn and I went for a walk after our dinner at Bar Louie on west 6th. This weekend I'm going to Gretchen's house for a bday dinner with her family and staying over until Sunday.

Diabetes wise, I've been able to stay without fast acting/ meal time insulin, I've only taken long acting/ night time insulin since Monday, meaning since Monday I've only taken one shot. I've been able to do this due to working out a lot and watching my diet, meaning I'm only eating meals that are low carb while eating more higher carb snacks that will keep my sugar from dipping too low. I've also started taking more glucose tabs during workouts instead of bars or such, because they are las calories, work more efficiently and doesn't give me a stomach ache from eating and working out at the same time. It seems that I could really do this for a while at least until I'm out of the honey moon stage. Only time I have to take meal time shots is when in out to dinner or when I'm at peoples houses for dinner or so, cause its so much harder controlling the carbs and other nutrients then.

Another thing I don't think I've mentioned on here is that I have booked my flight home, July 5th, before then I'm gonna drive to see Mr.C who's working in North Carolina this summer, super pumped about that!!! On my way down there I'm gonna stop in Washington DC to visit one of my friends, which is gonna be sweet too.. I feel like its a city that has to be seen after being here for 4 years. Next week Thursday I'm going down to Tampa Florida to visit my friend from swimming, will be there for the weekend.. Gonna be fun, never been there before and excited for a girls weekend!!!

Anyhow, I'm gonna try to post more often.. Know I've been slacking a lot haha pretty crazy that I'll soon be moving back to Sweden, sad that Mr. C cannot join me right away, but so excited he is moving over in the fall.. Could never have moved right now otherwise!

Night people!

Got order forms to order grad pics and two pics were great :P YAY!!!


Back in Cleveland, less than a month left in this city!

Kategori: Allmänt

For 4 years, Cleveland has basically been my home.. but thats about to change, in less than a month I will be leaving Cleveland probably for good. Its so weird, because I have spent so much time here during quite a long time and gained so many new friends and awesome memories. Some of the worst and best things in my life has all happened here, and sooo much has happened in these four years, way more than what happened before I came here. I have certainly learnt a lot and gained so much! I will always remember it, but I am ready to move on with my life, besides, I will be bringing some of Cleveland (or OHIO) with me in Mr.C, since he is coming over in the fall to live with me in Stockholm :) AWESOME!! SO EXCITED!! :)
I am very curious what the future may bring, all I know is that from living in Cleveland the past 4 years I have got a great start for my future, I have grown up a lot, made many misstakes to learn from, Ive got a degree, friends for life, and an amazing guy all of which I will take with me to whatever my future might offer.. "the one who lives will see" is a swedish saying "den som lever får se" and seemed very suiting at this point in time.