
My name is Joanna and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 22. Other than having diabetes I am also an athlete, student, girlfriend, swimcoach, receptionist, boardmember, avid baker, and the list goes on... Interested to learn more? - then read my blog why dont you ;)

Island dining

Kategori: Allmänt

Awesome night out on the island at the moment! Delicious dinner and beautiful views! :) I had an awesome quinoa salad instead of the crayfish! 

Bloodsugar heaven!

Kategori: Allmänt

Took a little break from blogging, been at the summerhouse now for 4 days and felt its about time I get back at it. The weather has been so good we have been laying out and going out on islands almost every day. It has been so warm that we have gotten many thunderstorms and I saw stockholm has gotten some pretty intense and dramatic weather as well... soo crazy, Sweden never gets like this!
Wednesday last week I had dinner with my really good friend Camilla (also type 1) and we came to the conclusion to remove sugary things from our diet until the 16th of august (day of my Iron Man). I had a week not too long ago when I did not eat many sweets at all and havent felt that good in a long time and so we thought why not try it out for longer. So starting thursday morning last week I have not had many sweet things at all, the only exception was when we went for a crazy long ride yesterday and my bs needed something that would spike it. GUESS WHAT! My bs has stayed so good and I have barely needed any insulin at all!! I am very interested to see if this trend will continue or if it is just some random week when it is like this anyhow. It probably doesnt hurt that I have worked out a lot in the past week as well!
Soo, yesterday we went on a 104km ride! I had a training pb at 40km with 1hr24min and also at 100km at 3hr28min. Superpumped that biking is feeling sort of good. It is only 19 days left until the Iron Man!!
It is very nice being at the summerhosue because we just chill, workout, go in the ocean (which is like tropical atm, 24C even you mormor would like it!!!) and eat great food. The working out aspect is almost the best, it is so easy to get out here, you can start your ride from the doorstep of the house and there is no transportation to get out to good roads like in Stockholm, there is a big ocean to swim in which is free from jellyfish now because it is too warm for them at the surface (they go to the bottom of the ocean) and the weather is great = perfect training conditions! 
I do not know what we are doing today, part from eating crayfish on an island tonight, I dont eat them because I am allergic and dont like them anyways but its still nice going. 
Here are some pics from the past days:
We had such a long trip here because the train was delayed so we missed our connection and had to go by bus for the last two hours!
First day at the summerhouse we went to this beautiful island and swam two laps around it :) WAS AMAZING!
GRILLING GONE MAD! The other night we barbecued everything, veggies and salmon for dinner and pineapple with whipped cream and shaved almonds for desert - only natural sugar!! :)
After the 104km bikeride!! I felt unexpectedly fresh after it :) LOOKING GOOD!!!
Pappa and Alice did Ö till Ö race at the island the other day! :)
SHE IS SOO CUTE!!!!!!!! :)

mind blank

Kategori: Allmänt

This afternoon I lost my head, could not think/focus at all.. this happens to me sometimes, I just loose all energy and need to focus to make up a good sentence. My english becomes especially lacking at these times. Was at the triathlon event again tonight (same as last tuesday) and was talking about swimming to a big group of people, I hope I made some sense and helped someone because it certainly did not feel like it.   
I did have a good morning and day though, I ran to the gym and had a good but tiring weight workout and then ran home and had lunch. It is soo warm outside, almost to the point where you cannot breath during workouts, especially since I have asthma. After lunch I went down to the water and layed out for a couple of hours, my view was the picture above. Continued reading a book that I have been struggling getting through, but got back into it again today, its called "Eat & Run" and is by ultramarathoner Scott Jurek who has accomplished great things by staying on a vegan diet. I am planning to try a vegan diet again (made an attempt this spring that I ended for several reasons ) after the Iron Man. I am thinking about giving it a month first and then see how that goes, however, I am really positive and excited to try it again, I think I am more ready now than I was in the spring. I am really loving what I am reading about it in the book and online and think it would help my energylevel stay higher and I will feel better healthwise.
Cannot focus any longer... my brain is shutting off, night!

Motivation, where are you?

Kategori: Allmänt

Earlier today:
Sitting on the dock as hellasgården, got up from the workout, found a (half) legitimate excuse and took it.. I do not want to swim! Have had the worst motivation level ever when it comes to swimming lately. It has actually been hard to get out and do any type of working out, there are several reasons to this.
Physically, my diabetes has not cooperated with me in the past week and I had migraines again yesterday. I cannot help but feel that my body is just not with me at the moment. It goes in waves, sometimes I feel pretty good for a couple of days, energetic and all that, but then I just loose all of it just as easy.. I have not been able to spot a pattern, it would be awesome if I could pinpoint something that triggers the bad days. 
Psychologically, I am struggling handling everything with my illness, there is a constant battle in my head of what I should and should not do when it comes to everything, work out, eating and sleeping even. I have a hard time figuring out if I use my diabetes as an excuse or not. It took me forever with swimming to trust my instincts, for example, when I was younger I would train even though I had a sore throat but it would always lead to me being gone for longer, eventually I started trusting my gut feeling so when I started having cold symptoms I would sit out on a few practices until I got better... I am not trusting my gut now that diabetes is in the picture. Maybe it is something you get better at after longer time with it, I hope so.. 
Present time:
At the moment I kind of just want to take a break from everything; diabetes, training, worrying about eating and sleeping, working, money worries... you name it, would be awesome if all of it would just leave me alone for a week.. only a week... I want a universal remote control like from the movie Click, I would PAUSE everything around me except for Mr.C, him and I could just lay in front of an ocean somewhere without worries AND diabetes - THAT WOULD BE THE DREAM!
This depressing post aside, I will keep on fighting, because I am not a quitter! I will not give up, even though it may sound like it when you read this. Tonight I am going to chill on the couch with my awesome guy and then go to bed clean (just showered) and in clean sheets (sheet switching day), three great things right there that WILL make me feel better...
He is awesome <3

Busy workweek

Kategori: Allmänt

Been an intense workweek, worked monday thru saturday.. feeling like it is okay to not be at the gym for a couple of days now, allthough I am considering going there to workout soon again :)
Tonight Mr. C, my brother and I went out to the burbs for a barbecue dinner with my really good friend Fanny and her sister Anna whos also my good friend. Was a lot of fun and the food tasted awesome, grilled food in the summertime is just the best!!!
Right now Mr. C and my brother are out on the town, but I felt like I needed a chill night by myself at home more. So now I am sitting here and just stumbled upon the end of a supertouching movie called "brothers", I teared up and got a big lump in my chest, crazy how I only saw like the last 30min of it but still got so drawn into it. 
I am so excited to go to the summerhouse on thursday, we are going to be there for a full 10 days! AWESOME :)
Only 28days left until the Iron Man now, did a workout scheduele that I am going to try and follow for these days leading up to it. 
My sugar is finally back to normal again and have stayed that way for a couple of days now, sooo thankful for that!!! Allthough I had slightly elevated sugar today at work, the only difference between today and the past two days was that I did not work out in the morning after breakfast, maybe that is key for my bs to stay good!? Maybe I should try to get going on a routine with regular morning workouts, like running, swimming or bikeriding. The problem is that sometimes I also like just chilling.. haha will see what I come up with!
I am starting to think about what kind of training I want to do after the iron man, because I have decided I want to give triathlon training a break and maybe focus more on running and swimming if anything. Right now I am thinking that I want to get into lifting more weights and build up a better strength. Compared to my strength level when I was a competetive swimmer a couple of years ago I am sooo weaaakkk now!!! :P
Oh and last night Mr. C and I had dinner at my brothers apt, he has such an awesome view!! If I lived there I would be on the balcony all the time. We shared a pizza and then got some sallad from the salladbar at the grocery store, it was so yummy and awesome!
Tomorrow we will try to go to hellas for a swim, I also need to organize and clean the apartment, because it gets kind of messy when I have a hectic workweek :) Maybe we will go lift at the outdoorgym too.. and if the weather is good I definetely want to lay out as well, I need to work on my tan! 

Sugar cravings and high bloodsugar!

Kategori: Allmänt

Been three days now with bad/high bs... changing out the insulin seems not to have worked as quickly as I would have wanted it too. When my body does not get insulin for a little while, or it gets useless insulin, it goes into survival mode and probably wants whatever insulin it can get a hold of. So now when its getting "good" insulin I guess nothing is much enough. I had an avocado sandwhich today, last week I would have taken about 1 unit maybe for it, but today I had to take 2 units and still did not end up at the bs I wanted. 
What I struggle most with when my bs is messing with me is the stress of not being able to work out properly, or really not having the energy to do so. My head very easily turns into a big blur/blob/mess when my bs is high. Today right before I left work I thought I had lost my work keys and totally freaked out, but they were sitting in the backoffice door.. I ran around the facility like an idiot and totally freaked - proof I cannot think straight with a bs at 15!! Another thing I despice with highs is my sugar/carb-cravings hits the roof every time my bs is above 12-13mmol/L.. the exact moment you should not be wanting to/or having sugary stuff! Tonight I was so close to go by the biggest bag of candy and stuff my face with it, but I didnt, if I would have I might have had to go on my first trip to the ER tonight :/
Yesterday became a workoutfree day, Mr C and I were coaching a triathlon event though so I was very much surrounded by training, I also worked at Friskis (gym) so pretty much surrounded by healthy and athletic people all day. If anything it made me motivated to train whenever I will feel up for it both physically and mentally. I hope to be able to continue working with something like what we did at the triathlon event yesterday, but full-time in the future!
After the finish!
As a compromise to a run, I walked to work today instead of biking and then I was supposed to run home, but since my bs was at 15 I couldnt. It is dangerous to work out if the bs is above 15mmol/L :( Could pass out into a coma and get ketoacedosis.
Walk home!
This morning I had a very successful meeting with my diabetesnurse, she is really the best nurse ever!! I have now got a continous bs meter on me (CGM) for the next month, which is awesome beacuse I can use it for training for the Iron Man and then also for the actual race! LOVE IT!! Also got a new bs meter, I figured I need about 4 during my Iron Man just to be safe!
Had bananapancakes for the first time today! 1 banana + 1 egg + chia seeds + coconut flakes, fried in some butter = YUMMY!
Hoping for a better day tomorrow, plan is to lift before working 10am-6.30pm! Lets hope this stupid illness will give me a break and let me complete a successful workout with energy!

Bad bad bad diabetes day

Kategori: Allmänt

Sucks how you can go from lows to highs on a day to day basis, not only bs but also motivation and mindset. Today was a low for everything but the bs - usually happens like that!
If I am on the lower end of the bs I usually feel better than when I am high. This is for several reasons, when I have a day that my bs keeps staying low or good (range of 4-7) I do not have to take as much insulin and mentally that makes me feel better - because in many ways the more insulin I take the more I realize that I have diabetes and how sick (stupid) my body actually is. On the other hand, the less insulin I take the more healthy and normal I feel.
Another reason why highs make me feel worse is because I know they do more longterm harm to my body, while I feel that I can manage lows well enough to not risk any serious bodily injuries. Furthermore, getting out of a high is soo much harder!!! Like today, my bs stayed high all morning between 7am-2pm, I kept taking soo much insulin and it wasnt working.. I figured out pretty quickly what it was though, my insulin had gone bad!
You see, I "knew" /had strong suspisions that the insulin would go bad during my ride on saturday, because I brought it with me and it was close to my warm body on a hot summer day. Insulin goes bad if its exposed to temperatures over 25-30 degrees celsius and on saturday mine probably were. Once again this is proof of how I am not willing to realize and come to terms with the things that now effect me (because I have diabetes). These things got to change and I have to become smarter with my diabetes. A day like today could have been easily avoided had I just trusted my instincts! 
Ah well, you live you learn! JOANNA PLEASE LEARN ;) 
Went swimming in the rain today, way better to be "wetter" when you would already be wet if you were on land. 
"Always look at the bright side of life!" ;)

Longest ride ever followed by one tired day

Kategori: Allmänt

Yesterday my dad and I went for a long ride out to Trosa, we started at 8am already! It was a great day, sunny and cloudy with little winds. First 40km was about my fastest 40km in training and we kept that pace for the whole distance, we ended at 117km and an average of 28.5km/h, CRAZY! I never would have thought I could have done that, but my dad helped a lot by being in front and not pushing me too hard but still making me go fast! My goal for the iron man is to keep an average above 25km/h, if the conditions are good that might be possible!!!
I only had one diabetic malfunction, I noticed at about 2hrs that I started feeling nausious, it just came over me very quickly. I thought to myself, either I am low or I am high. After being nausious for only a minute I decided I needed to check my bs, so whatever it is it wont ruin the rest of my ride. My bs was at 3.9! SO, good thing I checked. Every time I go for a bikeride I am astonished by the amount of carbs I need to consume in order for my bs to stay good. I have now realized I need about 40-50grams per hours, which over a 14hr Iron Man turns out to be about 600-700grams of carbs, normal daily intake is about half, it will certainly be interesting to see if my stomach can handle that haha.. However I am trying to lower my basal insulin dose so that I do not have to keep feeding my bs all the time - it will hopefully also prevent me from getting low as easily.
After the ride I feel more confident that I have what it takes to finish the Iron Man! I felt strong at the end of it and felt like I could have continued. At the same time I also have more respect than ever for the Iron Man distance, I now know after having done a marathon and the 117km yesterday that when racing and after completing the Iron Man I will feel as shitty and tired as ever before. KEY is to stay strong mentally and that is what I try to prepare myself for every day now until race day!
At our final destination in Trosa!
My bike!
We stayed in Trosa for the afternoon and had dinner with my grandparents, this was our desert together with vanilla ice cream! DELICIOUS! :)
Today my bs has been up and down, but I believe I had the same issue after the marathon.. it took another day for it to go back to being more stable! So hopefully tomorrow I am back to normal more. I have also not had much energy today and been quite a bitch to be honest haha.. sucks that Mr. C has to put up with me all the time sometimes, because I can also be a sweatheart ;)
Tomorrow I am working early, plan on getting to bed early, but if the soccer final turns out to be any interesting I might just have to watch the whole thing! Work out wise I hope for a run tomorrow if migranes and lows/highs will stay away, I plan a long distance run at the end of this week - about 25-30km! :)

Going back to school! :)

Kategori: Allmänt

I got accepted to the program I applied for starting this fall at GIH in stockholm! It is a 3-year program to become a coach/trainer. I am superpumped, I love school and am excited to learn a lot more about sport, physiology and coaching. I will be starting on september 1st I believe! Sooo sooon now!!! A new chapter of my life is beginning and it is going to be great!
Now back to the rest of my day which was very good even part from the news about school! Slept in and then had a chill morning followed by a 14km run in a nice and easy pace (6min/km), I was happy that it felt easy. 
When I got back Mr. C and I got groceries for tonight when we had dinner for my family, it turned out absolutely amzing! :) We got home and started preparing for the dinner straight away, for 2hrs we were cooking and cleaning and for once in great team work. We have now realized that if we keep to ourselves and do our own things, me in the kitchen and him cleaning the apt then it works great! Otherwise we just end up getting annoyed with eachother. 
First I made the desert which was frozen strawberry bars that I had found on pinterest a while ago. But the main dish was the best!
Here is the link for it!
I also made pesto mozzarella quesadillas, unfortunally I do not have pictures of them or the dessert but everything was very very delicious.
Mr. C set up the livingroom very good!
Now I am going to bed so that I am well rested for mine and my dads ride tomorrow, 120km out to Trosa where my grandparents live :)

Iron Man preparations and migraines

Kategori: Allmänt

Starting to slowly but surely get together my race plan for the Iron Man. What I find most difficult is predicitng what my bs will be on that day. No matter how much I train for it, the adrenaline rush of finally being on the starting line for the race of my life will surely spike my bs a bit dont you think?!
I probably need between 40-70grams of carbs per hour on the bike and on the lower end of that on the run. I have read many articles now and it seems to be the most challanging to keep the sugar up during the run + I have read from a study that most people with diabetes that complete the Iron Man end up in the medics tent - so Mr. C, dad, mom, and brother if you cannot find me anywhere else after my finish it would be a good bet to go there! :P
One article said that the tric is not to make sure nothing goes wrong during the race, but to make sure you know what to do and how to correct it when it does! It sounded smart because pretty much every day something goes "wrong" with my diabetes manegement; either I have to eat when I do not want to because I am too low or I dont take enough insulin, plus other things such as lack of sleep and stress that influences the bs as well. So I could not possibly expect my bs to stay perfect and as I want it for a whole day during which I am also pushing my body to its breaking point.
The long bikeride my dad and I are doing this weekend will surely be a great test to see where I am at now with my diabetes management and training as well as I will learn a lot that will help me on race day. I noticed yesterday that I did not prepare well enough for our 50km because when we stopped for a brief break halfway I had to go buy a snack because my sugar was too low to make it back the 25km that was left. Thinking about that afterwards I realize how I continue to think that my disease doesnt affect me as much as I think and that I believe myself and my body to be like superwoman. Proof of that I am still not prepared enough for the Iron Man. I need to learn how to expect the worst but hope for the best! :)
On another note I woke up today with migraines, had it yesterday but thought a good nights sleep of 10hrs would make it better. Thus I had to cancel my planned run. It kind of sucks that it is now not only my diabetes that prevents me from doing my workouts, now I am battling migranes as well! They started about two months ago and have been getting them about 2-3 weeks apart.. my mom, grandmother and her mother and like way far back have had them.. ah well, the more challanges you are given the stronger you will get, I am sure I will be superstrong by the time I am done! 
And so the countdown begins, 36 days to go!

Apple and banana instead of candy..

Kategori: Allmänt

I am slowly rewiring my brain. Tonight I left the house with the intentions to throw the garbage out, "panta burkar", buy eggs and bananas, plus going to the candy store and get some candy! However, candy is not the best for me or for anyone for that matter. You consume unnecessary calories that your body does not need, mess up your metabolism, and even for nondiabetics your bs might rise, for me it will definetely rise. Knowing this I still give in at times and have some candy, but I do not even really like it and have always felt crappy after eating it, even before diabetes.
When I got to the store I tried to develop tunnel vision to only go grab what I needed, it kind of worked allthough I almost grabbed a coke. Then leaving the store I stopped and looked over towards the candy store and then looked towards home.. which way to go!? Started moving towards the candy but then after two steps I stopped myself and walked home.. you would think my battle was over then but NO! When I got home I got into a cleaning frenzy because the apartment seemed superdirty, I cleaned until sweat ran off my face - I decided that if I test my bs and it is low after this intense cleaning frenzy then I get to go buy candy - bs was 8.1 (=perfect), my candybattle this evening was over! Just cut up some apple and banana and had that instead, it was good and I feel sort of proud! 
Earlier today I went on a bikeride with my dad, it ended up being 50km and he kept pushing me to my limit. There was at least 5kms that had an average between 31-34km/hr - THAT IS SUPERFAST (for me)!
Tired legs after the ride. Forgot to mention that I attempted a run afterwards, need to continue on doing that because today was certainly not a success - practice makes perfect!
Following Le Tour de France a bit with Mr. C ( he is addicted to it ;) ) now and I realize 31-34km/hr is not very fast, they go at a slowest average of 37km/hr for a 150-200km distance in these flatter stages in the beginning of the tour. However, there is no point in comparing yourself to others when your main goal is bettering yourself for yourself.. if I was competing for titles and wins it would be a different matter and who knows maybe I will in the future. As of now though, I am just training and racing for me with the goal to prove to myself that I CAN!

Its all about the highs and lows

Kategori: Allmänt

So as I "hinted" about in my short post yesterday my monday did not go very well. It all began sunday night, had a great ride home from work but got home so late that I could not fall asleep until about midnight - not ideal when I had to wake up at 5am the next day. For those of you who do not know, with diabetes your bloodsugar is greatly affected by sleep or more so the lack of it. I finally fell asleep, but did not sleep great and kept waking up. Got to work in the morning and felt alright, had packed breakfast so ate it pretty early, about an hour later I realize I forgot to take insulin - DAMN! I thought for a second that it could still be fine because I had only had a darkbread eggsanwhich, but the bes wasnt fine it was at 13 and rising! Ah well, took the shot and hoped for the best... but no it stayed high until I got home from work at 3.30pm.. tired in many ways I do some work on my computer and make some calls, then laid down for a bit. 
Right when I got the most tired I had to get up to go meet up with my friend for dinner, if it would have been someone else I might have cancelled, but if anyone could understand my day it was Camilla (she also has type 1). We got sallads and sat in Kungsträdgården and chatted for over an hour then walked almost all the way home. It is truly different talking about this disease with someone else that has it, compared to  a "normal" person. You get confirmation of that you are not alone with this crappy illness!
On my way home I decided to go by my parents apartment and my mom and I went for a nice evening walk. It is so warm now, so we could wear tanktop and shorts! Crazy to think that about a week ago I was almost in my winter gear haha
So even though the day started crappy it sure ended great, very nice dinner with Camilla and then a great walk with mom!
Today I got up early to go swimming with dad at 7am, I was slowstarted today but when I got into it it went pretty well. When we got back mom and I had breakfast and then went to do a weight workout - its a lot of fun pushing her at the gym, she is a good student :)
Got home and laid out for a bit and burnt my stomach. I also attempted listening to Sommarpratarna - Edda Magnusson, because she also has type 1, however I am not a fan of talking radio so I did not make it through the whole thing. 
I was going to go out with Fanny tonight however we decided to go for a run instead, felt good! So now I have worked out for 3 hours today and have made up for the lack of working out yesterday - back on track!!! 
Diabetes wise the day has been good, but my glucose meter suffered some heatwaves and malfunctions and showed 15 one second and 6 the next. 
My dinner tonight was delicious, veggie burger and carrots! 
Tomorrow its running and biking with dad on the agenda! Looking forward to it! :)

Work, no sleep, high bs but then my day turned around

Kategori: Allmänt

Slept about 4hrs cause I couldn't sleep, then worked for 9 and forgot to take insulin with bfast because I was busy at work so the first 10hrs of my day was spent with bs between 11-15! Yay

But then it turned around... More about that tomorrow though because now I have to go to bed because I'm swimming at the crack of dawn tomorrow! 

Sthlm is so beautiful! 

Finally the summer reached Stockholm

Kategori: Allmänt

Long workday yesterday, 9hrs, left home at 7am-ish and wasnt home until 6pm. Fell asleep on the couch in front of the soccer game twice, both for the first and second game, both quite boring games. Mr. C and I went for a really beautiful walk in and around our neighborhood and found lots of blueberries, we will have to go back sometime with a bowl so we can bring some home. It is really awesome how close to both nature and city you are in Årsta. During our walk we decided that we want to try and stay in Årsta even after we cannot stay in our rental any longer. :)
After our walk we ran into a hot air baloon launch on the field just 100m from our apartment, so we ran home, prepared our dinner that was already almost done and ran out to eat it in front of some free-hot air baloon launching-entertainment :)  I will admit I got a bit embarassed haha because we were the only ones sitting there watching and eating. It seemed like a weird thing to do but Mr. C insisted we should, so we did.. and it ended up being great so good thing he convinced me.. sometimes I can be a butthead so I am glad I have someone like him to make me do things out of my comfortzone!
When we got back to our apt we just chilled, I was watching the Holland-Costa Rica game but as I said earlier I fell asleep haha I do not function very well on only 5hrs of sleep :P
Got a sore throat (probably from the lack of sleep) so did not run yesterday either, I biked to work today on my roadbike but did not go fast just cruised basically. I need to get going with my running again though, been slacking too much since the marathon. Hurt my leg/thigh/hip, probably wore it out a bit, so been giving it some rest. Have not ran more than 10km in one go in a month. So next week I WILL get started again! (Please hold me to it or ask me to come running with you :P)
Diabetes-wise my sugar has gone back to normal after my highs yesterday. However I really hate that every time I ride my bike I get low! Ate oatmeal for bfast today - it ALWAYS makes me high or close to high - but when I arrived at work my bs was at 4!! AAGGGHHH FRUSTRATION!! I even had a muesli bar on my bike on the way out to work. I wish I coul bike for at least 1hr before I start dropping - I definetely need to work on this because I am sure it is possible, but as anything else with diabetes things take time and (bad) experience to figure out. When my bs drops I loose all my energy which became really obvious on todays ride - I was passed by an old guy on an old cruising bike not even a roadbike and he wasnt even in work out clothes!!! haha Kind of embarassing, hope that doesnt happen during my Iron Man. I will be wearing a CGM (continous bs meter) during my race so I should be able to keep it under control - fingers crossed!
Working again tomorrow - so happy about that! I try to get as many shifts as possibly because I need the money! Probably will be doing some personal training with swimming this month as well so that should be good moneywise! 
My ride home today was awesome!! Was able to wear only my tank top and tights and the city was so alive and vibrant, the sun was on its way down and I had some good music (one ear), SUMMER in Stockholm is FINALLY HERE- those times just make me euforic! Sooo now lets stay on this good feeling, tomorrow its monday - another week and more challanges awaits!! YAY :) :) :)

Plans always change..

Kategori: Allmänt

My whole life I've been known to plan ahead, that way I know the outcome of days, situations or such.. However it seems plans rarely end up the way you plan them. I think what's most comforting to me is just to have it there to fall back on just in case you know? 

Yesterday we were going to have lunch by the lake, instead we ended up having lunch on my parents balcony which was awesome. 

We also decided to stay in my parents neighborhood and have dinner there, but then we ended up buying a oneuse grill and had hotdogs in the courtyard by our apt building instead which was so cozy, awesome and delicious! 

We didn't have any real plans for the evening so we decided to go hang out with my brother and his friend. Ended up having the best time watching soccer and drinking some beers. Thought we wouldn't stay out for long but we had a good time so didn't come home until it was almost 1am, which isn't that late but when you have to wake up at 6.30am it seems that way :) 

So here I am now at 7.30am about to get on the subway to go to work out in Orminge, 50min bus/subway/bus-ride :) I would bike it but I felt lazy today, the beers and hot dog dinner last night caused my bloodsugar to be high and I have barely slept (in my books 5hrs is barely sleeping at all) - therefor I'm on the lazy public transport system today haha

About the diabetes.. It's very strange because my high-symptoms are still non-existent, but right now my bs has been high for over 12hrs straight. Went to bed with bs at 11 and thought it would drop overnight because of a little alcohol intake, thus I had a banana and some OJ before bedtime, but when I woke up this am it was still 11.. So no luck there unfortunally :( its very frustrating that with this disease you are almost always punished instantly for the "wrong" things you do.. the things that aren't great for you (not great for anyone, I mean ANYONE), such as for example alcohol (which I rarely drink anyways), candy (hard to stay away from at times :) I won't lie), high carb foods like yesterday when we had chips and hot dogs for dinner (should be allowed, even without a working pancreas) It truly stinks! 

I think that sometime in the not so distance future I will become a health nut, however I am not there yet! For now it's candy and shots all the way (insulin shots ;) haha) 

Slow morning - like and dislike!

Kategori: Allmänt

Pancake bfast this morning
It was yummy!

Neither Mr. C or I work today so we've had a chill morning.. It's nice but I kind of have "ants in my pants" or myror I brallan as you would say in Sweden! Meaning I get restless if I chill for too long.

Last night I dragged Mr. C out for a short walk at about 9pm just because I felt like I had been inside for too long. I'm like a butterfly, I need to leave my cocoon haha bad comparison I know, but you get the picture!

About to jump in the shower and then we are going shopping, watering plants at parents apt, picking up keys for work tomorrow and having a sallad bar lunch by sickla lake 👍

I look tired haha - shower time!

Tacos yummy!

Kategori: Allmänt

Its quite nice when you know you've pushed your body to go further than ever before, a very satisfying feeling! (I'm talking about my longest ride ever today)

I feel more motivated than ever to train more and harder. It's crazy and I'm sure everyone haven't experienced it.. But working out gives so much energy back although you are actually using energy to begin with. However, it does take a little until it becomes rewarding I think, because if I've taken a little break getting back into it can be real hard sometimes. 

Anyhow, finished off the day with delicious tacos and a little ice cream 👍😜 yummy in my tummy! 

I've been wanting to take more walks lately, however Mr. C isn't a fan, tried convincing my brother when he was over earlier but that didn't work either, they just sort of  ganged up on me instead..

If anyone cares for a nice evening walk? Just let me know, next week my mom is back in town - trustworthy walking partner 👍 

Nighty night

Its okay to have a lazy afternoon

Kategori: Allmänt

Fanny and I went on a long ride around Bornsjön today and stopped for fika at Sturehofs Slott! Was great allthough I wont lie, it was also strugglesome. I think the total ride ended up at about 83km, my longest ride previous was 10km less. I am slowly realizing what I have gotten myself into, 180km is the ride for the Iron Man, at the moment I cannot even grasp adding 100km to my ride today.. However, I still have more than a month left! Next weekend I am doing a 120km ride, which will be my longest before the race. My advantage is that I am pretty competetive, so when its race day I will most likely perform better than I have ever trained! :P
Now I am going to chill for the rest of the day.. yay! Later on my brother is joining Mr. C and I for a taco dinner, yummy!
The fika place is so awesome, so many different buns and cakes along with lunch food.. can really recomend going out there if you want to escape the city for a few hours!
Me and my bike, we have a love hate relationship :)
Sugar stayed pretty good allthroughout the ride today, allthough it astonish me every time how much I have to refuel during a workout. I am taking extremely little longacting insulin at the moment in order to allow me to not drop that much during workouts. I have to refuel less than before, but still a lot more than Fanny had to during this ride. It is really easy to notice the difference between having type 1 and working out versus not having it when you ride with someone else. I was riding for about 4hrs today where at least 2 of them where very slow because it was transportation routes to get to the lake. When I got home I felt naucious and sick to my stomach, it might have been because I was tired, or the bs was dropping. No matter what, learning how to handle these situations is important before Iron Man raceday.. because if I cannot manage my diabetes during that race I will be doomed no matter how much I have trained "physically" for it.

Just keep swimming.. and running and other shit

Kategori: Allmänt

Good workout day and bad blood sugar day, when has that ever gone together for me before!? NEVER!!!
Its been decent, its been high, its been low, but not very steady this lovely wednesday. Sort of like the weather we have been experiencing, sunny, raining, really raining hard, hailing, and then sunny again. The weather was certainly bipolar today - same as my diabetes!
Anyhow today Ive managed a 5km run, 45min weights and 1hr swim :) Thumbs up!!! On top of it all I felt super strong doing it, all of it... weird how it is sometimes! 
Another weird thing is that my usual "cannot keep my eyes open feeling" that I get when my bs gets really high, its gone! Now I barely feel any different neither when I am high or low - very odd!
Now Im having oatmeal with apple and cinnamon for dinner because it is the only thing I feel in the mood for after this rollercoaster of a day! Also, big thanks to the kind guy in my lane today at swimming who gave me his juice box when my bs went a bit too low. 
The dinner was more like apple with oatmeal rather than the other way around! Very good though :)
Tomorrow Fanny and I are going on a 80-90km bikeride, it will be my longest ever, but we are taking a fika break at about 65km so it should be fine! I will let you know if we made it!
Sleep tight

Life is all about the new opportunities, beginnings and challenges...

Kategori: Allmänt

When I last saw you guys Mr C had just arrived, at the time I was kind of writing my blog because of him, he appreciated being able to read about what was going on in my life when we were apart. Therefor when he came over I stopped, because I didnt feel like I had the time or passion at that moment to continue. However, 7 months has passed and I feel ready to start this again!
A lot has happened the past 7 months, Mr C and I are doing well and are getting on our way to become settled in the swedish lifestyle. Allthough Ive lived in Sweden for about 19 years, 4 years away made it difficult to get back into things when coming back. It was also an adjustment having Mr. C arrive.. but now we are getting into the swing of things. He has got a job and I am also working, allthough its part time jobs, a few of them.
I had to leave my previous job as a web editor due to company cut downs, however it pushed me to pursue my dream of becoming a coach/health advisor/physical trainer. I have applied to a 3-year program that will hopefully help me get there.. more about that later though. 
Now I work at a gym (Friskis&Svettis) as a receptionist and love it! I meet so many fit and motivated people every day and get both energy and great tips for my own training from it. Different from my previous job when I was sitting at a desk all day... a desk job is nothing for me! and I am thankfull that I realized that early in life :)
A month ago I ran the Sthlm Marathon and it was sooo hard!! The most difficult and painful physical task I have ever pushed my self to complete. I learned a lot about my mental strengths, that I am stronger than I think and can push myself and my body a lot more than I thought before. I also learned some of my diabetes, I stupidly took insulin only an hour before the race, because I needed to eat something little... sure enough about 10km into the race I feel like I am running out of energy, which really should not happen because I am very used to running 10-20km. I was wearing a continous blood sugar meter at the time (CGM) and it was showing a quick drop from 10mmol/L to 6, only within abotu 15-20min which is a bit to quick, especially during a race! Sooo, I pund down some gel, energy drink and glucose tablets and after another 5km my sugar has gone back up to about 8 again - right where I wanted it! Unfortunally the drop made me loose lots of energy and by the half marathon I was sooo tired.. I pushed myself to keep running - NO WALKING! - and was able to do so until 32km was completed when I started cramping, had to stop and stretch and walk and run on and off! An hour later when I crossed the finish line - I cried, I was so happy, and the most tired I had ever been!!! 
No when a month has passed I am so proud of myself and try to use the finishing feeling to motivate myself to continue training hard.. I still have ways to go, but no matter what on august 16th at 7am I am starting my first Iron Man ever!! and I will finish! Only thing stopping me is if I pass out (which with diabetes is not that unlikely, but lets hope not :P).
Anyhow, a little recap of what is going on and some of what has happened the last 7 months. From now on, continous updates on the day by day progress of my life with diabetes, triathlon training, working and school (hopefully)! :)
Today I went on a run outside with a stop for a weight workout at Friskis:
Sunny and warm, how summer is supposed to be like!