
My name is Joanna and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 22. Other than having diabetes I am also an athlete, student, girlfriend, swimcoach, receptionist, boardmember, avid baker, and the list goes on... Interested to learn more? - then read my blog why dont you ;)


Kategori: Allmänt

This week has been a challange for me, overcoming pretty major things, in my opinion, has become sort of my specialty.. You who know me know what I'm talking about. However, type 1 diabetes is unlike any obstacle I've ever encounter in my life before. When my brother was dangerously sick many years ago, I could escape to swimming or school to get away from it all, if only just for a little moment. When I've gotten injured or ill during swim season I knew I could do something to change the situation, to make it better. When my grandmother died, I could once again take a deep dive into swimming or schoolwork to escape sorrow at times. However, there's no escaping this disease, it won't let me take even a couple of moments off. This is a fact that has recently become more obvious to me, as other things in my life situation has gotten slightly tougher. I know that the situation I'm in now, with an intense job search, being away from my boyfriend who supports me so much on a daily basis, and moving back to my home country and leaving many friends after being away for 4 years, these are all things that would have been a lot more manageable without my diabetes. This is the time when I wish my pancreas would just start working, if only for a day to let me take a breather. It has now dawned on me that it will not ever happen again, and I'm starting to deal with it. Accepting this is the biggest challenge of them all, and I don't know if type ones ever do? I mean how can you accept that something is controlling you for the rest of your life, how can you accept that almost every night you go to bed you have to worry about possibly getting low blood sugar and not waking up, resulting in an insulin coma. I am aware that if I manage my disease properly it won't have to feel like it's controlling me ALL the time, and potentially fatal events occurring would be rare. At the same time, managing diabetes is one of the hardest things there is, because the blood sugar is affected by so many different variable and the necessary insulin doses always changes. However, I hope that with time the worrying will settle as well as the panic about feeling like you're stuck in a small room with no chance of getting out, because that's what having diabetes feels like at times, almost suffocating. 

The positive thing is, deep down I know I will get through this because I don't give up, I just need to allow myself to be weak at times, which I've learned is probably one of the most important things for staying strong (weird and contradicting I know, but so true). With that comes taking help, support, and sharing my story with others. No battles are won by a single person, neither will the battle of my life be... It's hard to realize that you are dependent on other people helping you to get through the day, however, now that I am working on that I am hopeful that with a lot of work and dedication by me, my life with diabetes will get better and easier. What I've been trying to do so far is more trying to push the diabetes out of the way, instead of realizing its unfortunally here to stay. But now I'm going to make an effort to accepting it. It will take some time, but I'm sure I'll get there one day!

That's all the deep thoughts I had for tonight! 

Good night people

First workout in a week and a half, YAY!

Kategori: Diabetes

Äntligen har jag kommit igång med träningen igen, hoppas jag i allafall :) Körde i allafall första träningspasset idag på en och en halv vecka. Körde 30min på eliptical och lite överkropps styrka på 15min.. med andra ord en kort träning, men har fortfarande ont i halsen, så känns viktigt att ta det lite försiktigt. Kändes i alla fall väldigt skönt, överkropps styrkan jag körde hitta jag på pinterest, har sökt mycket på träning och hälsa där de senaste dagarna... har med andra ord varit väldigt sugen på att börja träna igen. 
Diabetesmässigt så har dagen varit en berochdalbana, jobba imorse klockan 8 och åt havregryns gröt med hallon sylt och mandel mjölk innan, tog 5 enheter vilket kändes på tok för mycket... men icke sa nicke, en och en halv timme senare på jobbet så var sockret 12,7, så tog då 2 enheter insulin till.. och en timme efter det så var jag nere på 3,8... tyder nog på att jag skulle haft lite mera is i magen och tagit mindre insulin när jag var hög.. men känns ju konstigt hur höga mina toppar är och djupa mina dalar är, känns ju inte riktigt rätt. Efter detta så mådde jag ju såklart piss och då var det dags att gå hem och träna.. som tur var så mådde jag mycket bättre efter jag hade tränat och sen ätit min goda lunch som jag skrev ett inlägg om tidigare idag.
Till skolan.. nu är jag klar med det mesta för veckan, har bara en sak kvar tills imorgon som jag behöver göra ikväll, förhoppningsvis tar det bara någon timme, för vill försöka gå och lägga mig tidigt.. verkar ju nämligen vara så att sockret är mer stabilt när jag sover mer... Men om inte annars så kan jag ju alltid gå och lägga mig i tid och vakna tidigare för att göra klart skoluppgiften. Var ju som sagt härligt att vakna innan soluppgången imorse, känns som det kan bli en ny livsfilosofi, att vakna med solen!!! :)
Nu sitter jag på min första lektion för dagen, kl 16 på kvällen sent!!! sen har jag en lektion till som är mycket roligare, den handlar om psykologiska sjukdomar, väldigt interessant faktiskt. 
Vi hörs!


I've finally started to exercise again, I hope anyways :) Did my first workout today in a week and a half. Went 30min on the eliptical and then I did some upper body strength for 15min .. In other words, a short workout, but I still have a sore throat, so I think it is important to take things slowly. The workout went great, the upper body strength workout was awesome, I found it on Pinterest (picture above), have lookes a lot on exercise and health recently... In other words, Ive been very eager to start training again.

Diabetes-wise, today has been a rollercoaster, I worked this morning at 8 and had oatmeal with raspberry jam and almond milk for breakfast, took five units which felt way too much ... but it wasnt, an hour and a half later during work my sugar was 12.7, so took 2 units of insulin .. and an hour after that I was down at 3.8 ... I should definetely had been more careful and taken less insulin when I was high .. but feels strange how high my tops are and how deep my lows are, kinda odd I think. After this happened I obviously felt like s**t and by then I was done with work and was going to go work out at home... luckily I felt much better after working out and eating my delicious lunch that I wrote a post about earlier.

About school .. Now I'm done with most of the week, only one thing left for tomorrow that I have to do tonight, hopefully it will only take an hour, because I want to try to go to bed early .. seems like my sugar is more stable when I sleep more ... But I can always go to bed on time and wake up earlier to finish my school work. Today it was awesome to wake up before the sunrise, feels like it could be a new thing for me, waking up with the sun! :)

Now Im at my first class of the day, and after this one I have another class that is a lot more fun, it is about psychological disorders, which is very interesting to learn about.