
My name is Joanna and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 22. Other than having diabetes I am also an athlete, student, girlfriend, swimcoach, receptionist, boardmember, avid baker, and the list goes on... Interested to learn more? - then read my blog why dont you ;)

some things frustrate me

Kategori: Allmänt

The whole workday today my bloodsugar stayed above 10mmol/L, except for one short hour before lunch when it was at 9, last week I could not take insulin with breakfast because of the bike ride to work (my bloodsugar would get too low, meaning danger for passing out), today when I got to work wasnt the same.. bs was at 15 :/ ah well just have to take some insulin, took 1.5unit, nothing happened, took another 1.5unit and it finally dropped down to 9. It is not acting like I am expecting it too and I am really trying my hardest to make it listen to me! I was going to go climbing today, but I was so tired leaving work, bs was still high, and I decided to not force myself to do something I had no energy at all to do. You know that feeling you have after eating a big buffet, you feel pretty tired and maybe have a slight headache from all the food and sweets you had - if you amplify that feeling a lot and make it last for several hours, that is how I feel when my diabetes isnt cooperating and my bs is too high. But what can I do? Really nothing but stay calm and give myself a shot, adjust and hope for a better turnout the next day.
What I then saw tonight when I got home sort of frustrates me, I saw the front page of a Swedish health magazine called "Hälsa" stating that with the 5:2 diet diabetics would not have to take insulin. The 5:2 diet is basically eating a fairly normal meal plan for 5 days out of the week and then not eating much at all for the other 2 days as a way of loosing weight. The misconception here is that as a type 1 diabetic you will not survive without insulin, there is no way you can live without that medecine! I can starve myself for a whole day, not taking insulin, and still have a high bloodsugar, going to the movies gives me a high bloodsugar for gods sake! If my bloodsugar stays high for too long I will risk poisoing myself with my own blood, because there would be too much sugar going around in my blood system, this would/could lead to liver and kidney failure, the complications to not taking insulin are endless. The only people that could benefit from the 5:2 diet would be type 2 diabetics that are not insulin dependant, with type 2s their pancreas is still working(in most cases), it just does not have the power to steer the insulin in the right direction. In my body my pancreas does not produce any insulin, anitbodies attacked my insulin production, which is why I need to inject it every day, 4-6 times per day/average. Come to think of it, its about time for my nightly shot!
The thing is, the unawareness of what type 1 diabetes is, is so vast that when magazines put out things like this on their cover, people start thinking things about our disease, that it is easy and that we could be doing better than we are by eating different. Okay yes, my diet will effect the outcome of my diabetes, but that is in connection with my insulin intake. I can eat whatever I want as long as I can give myself the right amount of insulin, knowing what that amount is isnt always easy. Reading this you must realize that it is an extremely hard disease to manage, I struggle on average once every day with my diabetes! So when a magazine says that diabetics can be "cured" via the 5:2 diet, Im sorry but I get quite frustrated with that! It spreads the wrong message and gives "långnäsa" to everyone who is fighting every day to stay alive with this diesease, myself included!
If there is anything I want you to take away from this is that, I do everything I can to manage this disease and there is no way I can manage a life with diabetes without insulin! Because to this date there is no cure for this awful disease.
Sorry to put a damper on this evening, it being the day before the big 23rd birthday and all... just felt really strongly that this had to be said!

Highest high since ER

Kategori: Allmänt

Saturday I went to lunch with my brother and then to the movies, after the movies my bs was at 21! Highest since I was diagnosed at the ER in the US!! Was quite shocked, felt crappy or the rest of the night but managed to get it down below 9 before I went to bed and woke up at 7 so that's a positive. Been a decent first weekend after a full work week, been pretty chill. I just want time to pass superfast now so Mr.C will get here sooner, plan is to just work and work out as much as possible until he gets here so I can take it easier with both and have more time for him. 

My bday is on Tuesday! 23! Seems like the older you get the less you celebrate it other than the big ones like 30,40,50 and so on. Going to have a family dinner and then maybe going out next weekend to sort of celebrate it.

Tomorrow I'm going climbing, never went last week like I said, cause the girl
I was going with injured her foot but she's doing better now, so we are going tomorrow.. I'm excited and hope I like it :)

Now I'm watching solsidan, such a fun show! Then helenius hörna, an interwsting talkshow then going to bed early tonight! 

Morning pics before work om friday!
Lunch in the sun! OMG! 

Bought wine to celebrate the first week of work! And two Swedish books to get better at my Swedish, grammar in particular, for work! 


Cookie Monster!!!

Kategori: Allmänt

Today has been a good day, fun swim work out in the am, had a good workday and got to know my coworkers a little better, was assigned to make the fika for tomorrow's Friday fika, so made carrot cake cookie sandwhiches with cream cheese frosting. 

My bs is finally reaching a good level too, almost there with the adjustments! And tomorrow it's pretty much the weekend! Gonna attempt a run tomorrow during work, we'll see how that works out. 

Happy day before Friday everyone! ;)

Awful fall weather!!

Kategori: Allmänt

Today the weather was really terrible!!! Rainy, grey and windy!! Brrrr
Sucky part is that I biked too and from work and it's important to dress warm but I still sweat like a pig, on the positive side, I at least have a job to bike to and from ;)

Been low all day today since yesterday, so lowered my long lasting insulin even more tonight! Hopefully by the end of this workweek I will have figured out my insulin intake as a working woman! ;) swimming this morning unfortunally went terrible, prob much to the thanks of the diabetes, but also from being tired from working most likely, I'm not used to working 8hr days! Haha 

By the way, bs dropped below 4 twice today without me getting the usually feelings of getting low or hypoglycemic, WEIRD right?!? I thought so! 

Tomorrow I'm gonna go climbing probably, if I have the energy after work haha, a girl I met through the triathlon team asked me if I wanted to join in! I'm excited cause I haven't climbed since I was in middle school!!! Besides everyone else at my job climbs and we sell pretty amazing climbing gear so I better get started at it too right!? ;) I've got to fit in!! Haha

Night peeps ;)

First workday without hypoglycemia! SCORE

Kategori: Allmänt

I was able to get home today without getting too low, my bs was still at 4.8 when I got home which is fairly low, but still. Also, didn't take insulin with my oatmeal this morning, and my bs was at 5.3 when I got to work!! I definetely need to lower my nightly long lasting insulin now that I am "biking" for 1hr30min per day! Was getting really tired at the end of my work day today, don't understand why I'm so tired every day when I sleep at least 8hrs per night. Went to bed at 9pm last night and couldn't even fall asleep until 45min later... Maybe I'm getting too much sleep?

Made delicious dinner tonight:
Pasta with mushroom, spinach and veggie beef :P yummy!!! And now I have more lunch boxes for this week of work!!! :D

I think I'm gonna start a countdown until C day, the day when Mr. C will arrive! Which hopefully is 4 weeks from this Saturday! Fingers crossed <3

Good night! 

first weekend as a working woman ;)

Kategori: Allmänt

It feels really good to actually be able to appreciate the weekend, before I got this job the weekend was just two other days of the week.. nothing special, but now I can go back to LOVE the weekends like I used to when I was in school! Friday after work I met up with my brother and we had a nice dinner downtown, I was pretty tired though so still made it home by 8pm.. oh yeah and on my way home I hit another 2.9, on the same bridge! 2nd night in a row! DANG! I took too much insulin with dinner and biking always gets me super low. I have realized I dont value a bikeride just going to work, the city or home as something similar to a workout, where my bs drops.. have to start doing that now, so tomorrow morning I am going to try and have oatmeal without insulin, since I have a 45min bikeride to work. Friday morning my bs was at 4 when I got to work, which isnt good cause then I just have to eat more to get my bs up if this keeps happening and that isnt good for my weight. 
Later friday I talked to Mr.C who had just had his interview with the embassy! It went really well and we are hoping to get an approval within the next couple of weeks at most!!!! Really hope this wont take too long, the plan now is that he will fly over here after the US thanksgiving! Just over a month away, SO SOON! Dont wanna be apart anymore :( just want to be together, no matter what country, city or wherever really, hate long distance relationships! 
On saturday I had a chill morning and caught up on my US tv shows, modern family, parks and rec, parenthood, and greys anatomy. I had forgotten about them and remembered when I woke up that I hadnt seen them.. SCORE!! haha, later in the day I went to one of my moms gyms where I had signed up for a gym workout, it was super intense, pretty much only upperbody, but thats just what I need, because triathlon training is a lot of legs! After that I coached my mom and brother in the gym, it was nice doing the coaching, and they got tired so I succeeded! :) When we were done at the gym mom and I looked in some stores at the mall and I got a new purse. I told myself that if I got a job I will reward myself with a purse, and this was that purse! ;) Then we went home to my parents apt and we had a delicious family dinner! Pizza and coleslaw!! one of my favs!! 
Today my dad and I went for a run, I havent been running too much lately, becuase of different reasons, so it was nice to get out, I ran about 12.5km holding 5min24sec pace :P REALLY GREAT but got supertired!!! When I got home I was energized, always is after a good workout, but now I am super beat and have been the whole afternoon haha gonna be an early bedtime tonight, partly becasue I AM GETTING UP TOMORROW MORNING TO GO TO WORK!!! First full work week next week, will be interesting to see how me and my diabetes will handle this new challange, probably the same way we have handled challanges before, sort of like a rollercoaster, with ups and downs, most important thing is to be moving forwards and even if youre moving downhill you are moving forward ;) cute little metafor there wasnt it :P
Yesterday I got my first birthday gift, birthday is october 29th so a little over a week away, ASHLEY my sweet amazing BFF from the US sent me an awesome package of deliciousness and a cute frame and winecork.
I put the picture frame in the kitchen, amazing pic of Ashley and I, we are so gorgeous! ;)
My dinner tonght, a sallad of everything, mushroom, cabbage, tomatoes, cuecumber, red onion, carrot, corn, feta cheese, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper. Was super delicious!
This was my view leaving work on friday, quite the amazing scenery out by Frihamnen ;)
Happy Sunday peeps! Stoked that I have somewhere to go and something to do this coming week, Ive stopped being a lost soul looking for work haha joke aside.. It feels amazing having something to do! More or less only one things/person missing, you know who you are! MR.C! ;)

First day at work!

Kategori: Allmänt

My first day at my new/first job today went great! Wasnt supposed to get there until 10am, but was early, because I went swimming in the am and then to bfast with my dad and by the time I was done it was only 9am.. so I came in at 9.30am instead haha kind of typical me though, usually on time or early so I guess that is good! I got put to work pretty much right away, was writing for the website already by the afternoon, I still have a lot to learn, but felt like I was able to learn a lot today. They use a certain program for putting stuff on their website, and its a bit tricky now in the beginning, but my philosophy is trial and error and eventually there will be less errrors :P Anyhow, I left work today at 5.30pm really happy because I figured out how to add several pictures to a product, SCORE! haha I am excited to go to work tomorrow morning, which is great I think! I am aware I might not feel like this all the time, so every time I do I think is a win! I work with awesome people and in a supercool atmosphere so I am super happy with how this turned out!
After lunch today I was getting really tired and couldnt stop yawning, which I didnt want to since it was my first day at my new job. I started thinking why I was so tired, but thought it might just be because I swam in the morning. Then 3hrs after lunch I find the time to test my bs, and it was 12.5 :/ /(THATS WHY I WAS TIRED) my novorapid insulin works for 3hrs so if my bs is high 3hrs after eating thats not very good.. so I took 2 units to get me down and also had a fruit as a snack. Then about 2hrs later I leave to go home and have another fruit because I start feeling hungry. The ride home is about 40-45min, 10min left on the middle of a really long and always sucky bridge I start to not feel my legs and completely loose all energy, I start thinking to myself "why is this happening"??? Then I was like, maybe I am low.. I stop to eat something (carry snacks pretty much all the time since my diagnosis), however I decide to test my bs first... 2.9!!!! OMG, thats the lowest I have ever been, i freak out take three sugar tabs and a banana.. then I start craving everything and its a real pain in the butt during those last 10min home.. stopped at the grocery store and got some yoghurt candy (crave it all the time when I get low) When I got home I had dinner and took insulin with it so I managed to not get the usual high that comes after a low.. was just a little bit ago at 6, so at least I managed my bs decently well through this low, although it sucked getting low.
BTW my meal last night turned out amazing!!!!!!
Curry, lentils, light cream, veggie chicken, broccoli and rice :)
All for now, need to go to bed soon..sort of beat after today, with the morning swim, new job, highs and lows ;)


Kategori: Allmänt

This week has been intense and great so far, as I predicted.. Much of monday went by, but a quarter to five in the afternoon I received the call that I GOT A FULL TIME JOB!!!! was beyond excited and in shock, because at this point I thought it would never happen haha The job is with a company called Addnature that sells outdoor sportswear, most of their sales are from the website, but they also have 3 stores in the downtown Stockholm area. My job will be writing for their website, you could say the job is within marketing which I think will be a great thing for me. They want me to start tomorrow (thursday) so it is all happening super quick, which has both its pros and cons obviously, but I am excited to get into it and finally be able to get into some sort of routine. 
Friday is the big day for Mr.C, when he is going to the Swedish embassy in Washington DC, really really hope that the process moves quickly after that, dont want to be away from him any longer. Until recently it has worked fine, but feeling like I am now reaching the point where a long distance relationship truly sucks, dont understand people who manage a long distance relationship all the time, I want to be with the one I love all the time pretty much haha I am hoping he will be here within a month! :)
Yesterday my grandparents came to visit, my grandfather watched after Alice and my grandmother and I went shopping. Alice had 4 teeth pulled out on monday so we could not leave her alone yesterday. My grandmother and I had lunch and went to some stores and I found two awesome pairs of jeans at Zara, which she bought for me!! :) My grandparents are both such giving and kind people who really brightens up my day a lot when I see them, not just because of gifts and money, but I appreicate being able to spend time with them and I always learn a lot and have a great time. Anyhow, my grandmother found a really nice jacket for herself at Zara that she got and then we went to look at an Ipad for them. She ended up getting a white Retina display 32GB Ipad, which I helped set up for them when we got back to my parents place. They are really becoming technological (both Iphone and Ipad now), which is fun, because I think technology makes it so much easier to keep in touch with them. 
Last night, after my very awesome day, I was going to go run with the triathlon team, I swam in the morning, but didnt run that much last week so felt like I needed to get back into it. I always find it hard to get my diabetes/body right for a night workout, I always seem to be at a wack for it, I think it might have something to do with having to change around meals and stuff, because this running workout is at 7pm, which is when I usually have dinner, maybe changing dinner time changes the bodys reaction to insulin and food, if anyone have any insight about this I would love some advice!? Anyhow, last night I was starting to feel out of energy around 5pm, had been higher than normal most of the day, more around and over 10 ( 7-8 = where I want to be). I was trying to stay positive, because I had decided I needed to train, but then I got outside and it was supercold, starting feeling feeverish, got to the pool to change for running and bs was almost 14, I have been told I shouldnt work out with bs over 15. I feel like I should really just go home and to bed, but I make myself start the workout with the group. I didnt make it far until I realized there was nowhere in my body I could find energy and I was feeling sick to my stomach so turned around and cut the workout short. Ultimately I wish I would have listened to my body before the run, but I am still learning, so hopefully in a year or maybe longer I will trust myself more. When I trained swimming, there was always a coach that told me to swim, so I didnt have to think for myself as much, but now I am completely in charge over my training, and that together with my diabetes can become a challange. WHEN is my diabetes telling my body you need to slow down, and when is my lazy mind telling me? You who know me, know I rarely if ever give up, but I still doubt myself and sometimes feel that I give up even though it might not be perceived that way. My goal is therefore, listen to myself, I want what is best for me, I want to improve athletically, so when I am telling myself I really should not do a certain workout I am not ruining things for myself. It is easy for me to write this now, the challange will be to change my thought process so that when these things happen, when I feel like I need to take the day, night, or week off, I stop second guessing myself. 
This morning I was at the hospital early and among other things got a new blood sugar meeter, another advice from Camilla, my new friend through the diabetes organization. She also told me about the new pen I got. Anyhow, this meter is great, I dont have to put in a new stick that draws my blood each time, the meter contains 50 of them, which makes the bs checcking process a lot quicker. It might not seem as much, but for a diabetic any little thing that makes things easier is much welcomed! :)
Here is a pic of my new toy; 
I am currently at my parents place, been looking after Alice today, but about to get on my bike home soon, wanna make something delicious for dinner and really kinda craving rice and a curry veggie chicken dish.. have been pinteresting for a recipee, but cannot find any good ones, so I think I might come up with my own recipe! ;)

Sunday and cannot wait for monday :)

Kategori: Allmänt

I have a feeling this will be a good week followed by more great weeks. Hoping I will receive a positive work call sometime this week, would truly be awesome to work for this company, I would never have dreamed to be able to work with sports and communication at the same time, I think this job could lead to some great opportunities for me to develop. Then on friday Mr. C has his interview with the Swedish embassy in Washington DC, he has booked his fligths and is all ready to go. I am so proud of him, yesterday when I talked to him my mom was there too and asked what Swedish he has learnt and he now knows how to count to 10 and the weekdays, and his pronounciation is really great too! He is a natural :) Hearing him speak some swedish like that was really an emotional moment for me, because it is becoming all very real that he is coming over so soon and that the dream of us living here in Sweden together is actually about to come true! What he is doing for me (moving here, learning my language) is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, and I will work on making him feel as comfortable as I can when he gets here to show my gratitude :)
The week after this week I am going to call the immigration office again and hopefully be able to speed up the approval of the visa application :) Then the week after that its my birthday, I am going to be 23 years old! OMG! haha and its also mine and Mr.Cs anniversary sort of haha we dont really have a set date, but my birthday a few years ago was an important date to us, so thats why we made it the anniversary date too :P Unfortunally we probably wont be together physically by then, but hopefully not too long after that he will get here!!!
I just got home from my parents, nice to stay there from time to time, since I live on my own now and kind of still starting up here in Stockholm it is very nice to have their support and company at times. The food there is also a lot nicer, allthough I am quite good at making delicious meals for myself at home, the quality of the food they buy is usually a little higher haha But I also think its important to take the time while you have it to spend time with your family, because then there will be times when you wont or cannot spend as much time together.. like for me the past 4 years I havent really spent much time with them, so its nice to catch up a bit. 
Anyhow, now I am sort of cleaning haha its kind of an on and off process.. I am such a procrastinator when it comes to this, which sucks because even to me it seems smarter to just get it over with as quickly as possible so you just get it out of the way instead of having it laying over your shoulders as like a thing that "oh yeah I need to do that" haha I will get it done soon tho ;)
I was planning on working out quite a bit this weekend but on friday I started getting a sore throat and I still have one, so I didnt work out yesterday and not today either, better to rest now then have it break out into something worse than just a sore throat.. being sick is even worse when you have diabetes, last time I was sick was in april and it lasted for 3 weeks, which has never happened before I got diabetes. This afternoon there is a club meeting at the pool with the triathlon team and they are also having a sale of the club clothing, so I am going to take a walk there and maybe do some exercises at the outdoor gym by the pool, but nothing to exhausting.. I think weights can still be alright doing when you have a slight cold because its not bad for your airways, which is what usually bothers me the most when I get a cold. 
Last night my aunt, uncle and cousin came for dinner and mom and I made cupcakes, they were delicious. One was a yellow cake base (sockerkaka) with mascarpone raspberry topping and chocolate sprinkles, the second cupcake was a chocolate brownie base with chocolate frosting and coconut chips on top, some pics below;
They were amazing, I am not a huge chocolate dessert fan but even the chocolate cupcakes were delicious. Big plus is that they looked really good too and were a lot of fun making! :)
Hope you all have a great last day of the weekend, I cannot wait for monday! 

Such a beautiful fall day!

Kategori: Allmänt

After yesterdays rainy, grey and cold weather today came as a surprise. Yes, I guess it was still a tad chilly, but blue skies and just a great fall feeling outside. Most of the leafs are turning red, I just love the nature in this season! 

Diabetes wise the day has been a little up and down, but it had its reasons, thought I gave myself enough insulin for a piece of chocolate but apparantly not haha but now I think I am back to a steady bs again :) 

I am at my parents tonight, but my dad is away at the soccer game (Sweden-Austria I believe), so we are having a girls night. First we went for a walk with Alice and it was soo beautiful outside!
 I took some pics: 
Then we went to the grocery store ;)

I really like Sjöstaden it has a nice feeling to it, but I also like the community I live in Årsta, although it's hard to compare the two cause they are so different. Where I live are mostly old houses and here in sjöstaden it's all new developments. 

Anyhow, when we got home we made a delicious salad with broccoli, beans and a tastey basil vinegrette: 

Now we are chilling in front of Swedish idol and about to have berries with whipped cream for desert, yummy!!! 

Tomorrow I am going on a long run with my dad, hopefully my sore throat will get better.. Cause yeah unfortunally have a sore throat, but had one a couple of weeks ago too and it went away so I'm hoping for the same thing now :) 

Last thing, had my interview today and it felt great, good vibes and such a cool company with really awesome people working there! So many many fingers crossed, but not too many so it becomes unlucky ;) 

Have a good weekend peeps and an awesome Friday night ;) 


Kategori: Allmänt

Mr. C has an appointment at the Swedish embassy in Washington DC next week!! :P so excited we are finally moving forward in this process, now it feels like this will actually happen and I am so happy, really been hard to be without the person you love most for so long.. but having gone through this only makes us stronger in the end I think ;)
Another awesome news is I have got an interview with a great company tomorrow, they sell outdoor sportswear and the position is with marketing for their website! fingers crossed it goes well, really have a good feeling for this one.. gotto stay positive!!
So far I have worked out 6hours this week, and my goal is to get up to 10hours. Tomorrow I am swimming in the AM then I am planning a long run this weekend and a weight session so I should make it ;) Maybe I will throw in a bikeride in the mix too! Eventual goal is to make it to 15hrs per week while still working full time, will see how that goes ;) 
Its weird but this week has been pretty good over all allthough my bs has been slightly elevated, need to increase my longlasting insulin, already increased it one unit but it doesnt seem like its enough, might increase one more tonight. Met with my new found friend through the diabetes organization here in stockholm today, her name is Camilla and she got diabetes when she was same age I am, and she is 3 years older than me. It is nice to have someone who has gone through similar things to talk too, we have a lot in common just with the diabetes. 
Tomorrow night me and my mom are making dinner together and having a girls night because my dad is not home tomorrow apparantly. Other than that I dont really have many plans for the weekend, besides working out of course ;) One thing I know I need to do is clean the apt, it will be nice when Mr.C gets here cause then he can help cleaning haha his room is always the bathroom which is what I dislike cleaning the most. I am excited for him to get here even if he wouldnt clean too tho haha so its not the only reason I want him to get here soon - obviously! 
This is a picture from tonight, its the second time I saw deer today, I saw them on the way to swimming workout in the morning and then now tonight right outside my window, its nice the nature is so close although I am pretty much living right in the city. Mr. C likes the nature, so hope he likes living in this city too, cause soon he will be here!! Now that I have mentioned that Mr.C will be here soon like 10 times in this post, you can all tell I am pretty excited right ;) haha Feels like he will get here tomorrow allthough it will probably be another month and a few weeks maybe, until he gets here... but its been so long now, over 3 months, so it doesnt feel like there is that much time left apart now! YAY for that feeling :)
Sweet dreams peeps <3

Positive visa news so excited!

Kategori: Allmänt

I finally got a hold of the right guy at the immigration office today, the one actually dealing with our case, and Mr.C has gotten the ok to book a meeting with the Swedish embassy in Washington DC yay!!!! It's looking like he will get here no later than mid December at this point but I'm hoping that if we stay on top of these people, calling them back and stuff, then things might move a little quicker. I was so excited after this phone call today, unfortunately it was still too early in the US so had to wait a couple of hours to spread my excitement to Mr.C! He was excited too, as excited as one can be when they have just woke up. :)

Otherwise today I swam in the am then walked Alice and hung with her for a little. The worked out at the gym, very short but efficient workout. Tonight I met up with fanny and her friend from the US who's been playing soccer I'm Sweden for 3 months and is moving back to the states early tomorrow. We went back to fanny and her bf place and made tacos. It was delicious but unfortunately I took too much insulin, good thing I had a candy bar before I started the 40min bike ride home, cause when I got home my bs was at 4.1 :/ just had a glass of apple juice, tiny glass, cause don't want to get high, just wanna get to like 8-9 or something.

Anyhow tomorrow I'm watching Alice again and going for a run and then we are spinning with the triathlon team tomorrow night, will be intense for sure!!! 

This is how happy I am that the visa application is finally being sorted out and Mr.C might get here soon!!!


Productive day

Kategori: Allmänt

Woke up a little before 9 and benched myself in the kitchen, at my delicious bread for breakfast and started searching for jobs and continuously did so until 2pm, I also called migration offices and unfortunately got a little bit of bad news, Mr.Cs visa will probably not be approved by November, sucks that this has to take such a long time :( I also booked some dr appointments and works shifts for this month. Then I went for the hardest run I've ever been on, did intervals, 8.3km total and about 6km was fast, tried to hold below 5min per km pace. Almost succeeded the whole way but the last 3km is super hilly and mostly uphill so that made it hard. Bs has been slightly high today but pretty stabile so I'm happy with that! Now I'm just chilling, did some job hunting after my run as well.  

I also got to talk to the awesomest person in the world today Mr.C :) unfortunately he is getting sick :( wish I could be there to take care of him... But since the visa approval is taking longer he might come visit here or I will go there and visit him sometime soon :P hopefully it will happen!!! :) 

Tomorrow I'm swimming at 6.30am then taking Alice for a walk and then going to the gym.. After that I don't know, those who live will see (Swedish saying) ;)

Ciao ciao 

bikin and bakin ;)

Kategori: Allmänt

Set my alarm for 8am today to get up and going early (earlier than normal) to go for a bike ride... when I woke up I had a first thought of "why did I have to decide I was gonna do this?" but shortly after I decided it would be fun. Had oatmeal and then waited a little bit, like 1hr, was out on my bike by 9.20. I usually dont eat anything big before a morning workout, because then I have to take insulin, today I only took 1unit which isnt enough for oatmeal, but I did that on purpose since I knew I was gonna go for a ride which would get my bs even lower. I will admit I had some left over yoghurt candy from last night too :P haha. In the beginning of my ride I was pretty sluggish, but I wanted to get through 40km, so I stuck to it. Eventually it got easier, the best part of the ride was probably the last 10km, I usually get better the further I go, proven by my cooper test yesterday, its very hard for me to speed up quickly. Its kinda weird cause in life I am a pretty speedy person, in the sense that I always want to get things done quick and think of myself as a very efficient person. Anyhow, checked my bs half way, was at 9, before I left it was at 10 which was understandable because by that time the insulin I had taken with bfast had not gotten to its full effect yet either. I kept drinking my energy water even though I knew I started off high because I was excpecting it to drop, since insulin+workout=a quicker bs drop than just insulin without working out. I decided not to keep drinking the energy water as much on the 2nd half of the ride, when I got home I was at 5, I would have wanted to be at like 7, so thats alright. During my ride I kept thinking of what I had learnt at Bosön yesterday; that when you ride you need to try keeping your shoulderblades together, otherwise its easy to get neck and shoulder pain. I always get neck pain, but today I didnt because I kept my shoulderblades together! Sitting here typing this I am noticing that when I type on my computer I do not keep the shoulderblades tight and I start feeling neck pain.. seems to be the explanation to why many people who have deskjobs get back problems. So big advice to anyone, think of keeping your shouldblades tight together more, it helps preventing neck and back pain a lot and helps strengthen your muscles back there! The physical therapy guy that helped me get better from my shoulder injury at Cleveland State gave me exercises where I had to think about putting my shoulder blades together, but I never thought it was better for anything other than my swimming and shoulder injury... but I was wrong!! Learned so many new things yesterday!! EXCITING!!!
When I got back from biking my bike was so dirty, so washed it properly, and now its cleaner than its ever been!!! :P Mr. C would be proud! ;)
Then I chilled for most part of the afternoon, but at like 4pm I got a sudden urge to bake, so went to the store and got some supplies, and am now in the process of making 3 types of bread!!! First one is done already, was a banana bread, tasted so great! 
There is no sugar in it either, so pretty good for me, compared to other deserts or sweet things!! :) 
Made a delicious dinner today too, quinoa with spinach cream sauce, veggie chicken and feta cheese! One of the better dinners I have had lately, and filling too!!
I have nothing planned this coming week.. just gonna work out, keep applying for jobs, and maybe hang out with some peeps and my family! My papers need organizing too, need to start doing a filing system, mom was supposed to help me with it today, but she is starting to feel sick.. Maybe I will try doing it myself, will see how that goes. 
Hope you guys had a great weekend! mine was pretty good and bs has been weirdly stabile, considering its been like a rollercoaster forever now it seems like!! 


Kategori: Allmänt

Was at the sports center called Bosön today, it was a lot of fun and learned a bunch! We did a 3km for time, went pretty well, 13mim32sec! But there's a lot to improve definitely!! I need to start training biking and running like I used to train swimming with more varied workouts instead of just getting through the distance. Some distance workouts are still needed, but shouldn't do every workout in the same pace. Anyhow, we had a lecture and some strength stuff too and then a delicious lunch! Over all a very successful and fun day with a very awesome group of people!!! :) 

Afterwards fanny and I went into the city and looked through the shops for a while and I got my new insulin pen that will allow me to take half units of insulin and not only full units, it will allow me to match the insulin to the food even better. YAY!! :) haha tomorrow I'm gonna make an effort to get out on a bike ride in the am, will see how it goes cause I'm usually not awesome riding by myself! ;) but ill make my best attempt!!   

Down below is a pic of my new and old insulin pen, the new one is the red one ;)

Shorty for today, and sorry i forgot to take pics from Bosön :/ totalt slipped my mind!


Cinnamon bun day!!! :)

Kategori: Allmänt

Ups and downs, all the time, but overall a decent day!
Swam in the am, we did sprint cause fanny and I were both feeling pretty out of it and my dad was okay with anything haha everyone felt slow this morning. Then I went to my parents and babysat Alice the dog all day while looking for jobs, making cinnamon buns cause today is national cinnamon bun day in Sweden (ate a little too much so felt a little sick from all the yeast in the buns haha, but no high bs just low :/ weird right haha), I also made an attempt at walnut bread by inspiration from a TV show I watched last night "hela sverige bakar", Alice and I went for two walks one short one and one over an hour! Now we are gonna have family dinner, dad is making "kantarell" (type of mushroom) pie with a sallad! So yummy!!! Very excited for tomorrow, going to a sports facility with the triathlon team and doing some fitness testing!! :) 

Here r some pics from this pretty A okay day! 

Above: Baking step by step ;)
Below: walk with Alice in beautiful fall weather!!!

Today made me realize; I'm glad not every day is cinnamon bun day and so is my diabetes! ;)

Hope you guys have a great Friday! Best day of the week! :)

Questions of the day?

Kategori: Allmänt

My whole life I have been scared of becoming too sad, cause when you do can you pick yourself up? It's always seemed easier to me to keep it together all the time instead of ever letter my guard down. Yes I do get sad sometimes but never for long, it's always seemed too important for me to "stay strong". However, it's occurred to me that staying strong might mean sometimes letting my guard down and allowing myself more than a few moments of sadness. I am talking about this because, it occurred to me after my first diabetes counseling that I never cried over it.. I didn't even really deal with my brothers sickness until years afterwards, when he was safe and it seemed "safe" to process. I seem to just buckle down and stick with it, but doesn't that mean you miss out dealing with some important stuff that's better to deal with right away? Because when this "stuff" catches up with me it might hit harder and effect my life even more. I am sure later on in life I'll look back at this time with a smile on my lips, because then I'll be more confident in myself, knowing maybe a little more what I want to do. I used to always know what I want to do, but back when I was a teenager it wasn't as big of a deal it seemed like. Society makes us (us 20 something year olds) think that the decisions we make during these years will determine if your successful or not later in life, and it also makes us think that success can only come in the form of loads of money and a fancy title. But if that's true then there wouldn't be second chances we would only be given one chance, and the meaning of success would be superficial, I don't think that's true! Going after something you want seems more important to me, I just have to grow the guts to feel confident that what I want is actually what I want, like I used to be able too. So many things have come in between and sort of confused me I think, but so are many of us 20 something's - confused! 

Talking about confusion, when I came home on my bike last night I took my gloves off to lock my bike and put them on the back of the bike like I always do. This morning I couldn't find the gloves, I'm thinking where could they be, then I look out my window and see them still laying on the bike haha I took a pic of it;

Haha confusion is very much to the word of the week for me ha
Let's hope clarity is the word for next week! Enough deep thoughts out of me, let me know if you all get to sick reading about this, or if I don't make sense or contradict myself cause sometimes I feel like I do :/

Have a great day! 

stuffed and hungry?

Kategori: Allmänt

Let me just say this, only a diabetic can have a gianourmous meal, salmon with potatoes and princess cake for desert (dinner at folks for brothers bday), and be having feelings of starvation an hour later.. The result of too much insulin, had to save my mistake by downing some apple juice.. Some credit to my mom for telling me not to take more insulin, which would have made this situation even worse, because I was about to take two more units after the meal cause I thought I ate way too much and didnt want to end up at 15 again like yesterday, but she told me not to, and now after my bikeride home I was at 4! so thank god for her! ;) I dont even know how low my bs would have gotten to then. The reason I had apple juice instead of real food was because, its really high on sugar but not as high on calories, compared to for example a sandwhich, would have to eat many sanwhiches to get my sugar up as easily as with only half a cup of apple juice ;) Slowly but surely learning the tricks to fix my bs!! :P
Waking up early tomorrow, was offered to work the fair from 8am-4pm instead of just the afternoon, so of course I said yes! :) Was fun today! Working with fun people!
Night :)

Today's life lesson

Kategori: Allmänt

Life is pretty long although diseases that have happened to me and my family makes us think it's shorter than what "normal" people think.. These kind of things seem to happen to many these days, is there really a "normal"? anyhow that's not my point. My point is, things take time and life is long so things will eventually work out if you carry a good spirit and work ethic.. I'm so used to everything happening so fast, like going from a perfectly healthy swimmer in cleveland  to being sick on the plane home to Stockholm for emergency care or one day living in Sweden going to high school and the next attending college in the US.. Not everything happens that quickly. If there is something you want, you might have to work for it longer and be patient (I usually don't have patience at all). Also, if you don't know what you want, give yourself time to figure that out! If you're having a bad day, allow yourself to just take it easy but then pick yourself up the next day. Have faith in yourself that you are not a lazy or incompetent person just because you need a little break or to take it easier for just a second.. So ultimately my point is, give yourself time, without procrastinating of course, and believe that what you feel or think you need is right (meaning if you are tired and need a slower work out for example, go for a walk wink wink ;)! 

You people who know me well probably know what this post is really about ;)

Winter is upon us!

Kategori: Allmänt

Early rise today, 620am! Going to the hospital, working out, working, and then home to my parents for brothers bday dinner! So won't be home all day today, probably a first, but takes some more planning, specially with food and stuff, somehow the diabetes makes that whole situation more difficult, haven't really figured out what my plan is yet, but I'm sure it will work out! 

One can really tell that it's almost winter, love the winter season!! Was dark out when I woke up this morning, EXCITING! :) love the xmas markets, lights, food, the cold and everything else about it!! Just found out my brother won't be home for Xmas, which is the first time that the four of us aren't celebrating it together, weird that it wasn't me who caused it, considering I've been in the US for 4 years! However we will still be 4 cause Mr. C will be here! :) 

Last night I was high after dinner, didn't really eat a well out together meal either :( too many carbs! But then I tried getting bs down, so took 1 unit thinking it will bring it down some but since I was going to bed soon, I didn't want it to go too low so I would have to eat again before bed.. But that's exactly what happened, first hour it dropped from 15-8!? So had some apple juice and then went to bed, woke up at 6 so that's good :) my diabetes nurse just prescribed me an insulin pen that will allow me to take 1/2 units of insulin as well, a friend from the diabetes organization told me about it, and I think it's gonna help me a lot to give myself the right doses!!

Have a good day peeps! 

freaking pissed

Kategori: Allmänt

I just wrote the longest blog post ever and it was all deleted, now I have to rewrite it!! this is not someting that you want to have happened to you when you are already down for other things, these other things in my case was looking at posibly job opportunities, I have thought about becoming a cop in the past, but dont know if I would want to... however I just looked up the requirements, and you cannot become a cop when you have Type1 diabetes... Here I am trying to prove that anything is possible with type 1, but the government, or someone, is putting down restrictions.. another thing that I have heard is that they are putting more restrictions on type 1s when it comes to their driving, we have to have better sight than "normal" people to keep our license. Totally not fair! Up until 10months ago I could do anything I wanted, but now I cannot anymore.. DAMN it, thats DEPRESSING!! Thats not how I should be thinking!! gotto focus on the things I can do I guess right? Then comes the question, what do I want to do? I want to do something that will help others like me realize that there are very few things that they cannot not do because of their diagnosis.. I am very interested in sports and have noticed a lot of other type 1s are hesitant about working out, and often put limitations on that. But I believe that it is possible to work out just as much as a non diabetic. I will have to admit that before my diabetes it was a lot easier for me to work out a lot, however, today I had some success! For the first time since my diabetes I was able to do two workouts really well with motivation! :P SO EXCITED!!!!
Another thing I am excited for is that its OCTOBER! Mine and my brothers birth month, PLUS NEXT MONTH MR.C GETS HERE!! So excited to show him Europe and Sweden, we are going for a trip to the swedish mountains on new years already, cannot wait!! 
Tomorrow I am working at KISTA MÄSSAN as an host and then going to the folks to celebrate my brothers bday, he is 21!!! OMG!!! Earlier tomorrow I am going to the hospital at 8am already, getting some stats and a much needed talk to get out some diabetic frustration! then I am gonna go to the gym, my weight workouts have been sucking lately, hopefully tomorrow it wont! 
Unfortunally this post didnt turn out to be as long, new plan, write more often and shorter posts, these long posts are prob not as fun anyways, rather than a regular one or two shorter posts every day.. it seems to be the trend on these blogs anyways.
Some pics from instagram below:
delicious sandwhich, tomato, basil mozzarella  YUMMY
Beautiful fall colors!