
My name is Joanna and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 22. Other than having diabetes I am also an athlete, student, girlfriend, swimcoach, receptionist, boardmember, avid baker, and the list goes on... Interested to learn more? - then read my blog why dont you ;)


Kategori: Allmänt

School has started and I like it a lot!
Today our day started with a class in gymnastics, followed by a class on heartratemonitoring and lactate testing. Tomorrow we are starting the day of with dance, followed by two classes trying out different ballsports such as soccer, handball, or volleyball. Unfortunally I got sick on sunday, so I have not been able to participate in all the activites. We did a maxpulse test yesterday that I couldnt be a part of and will have to do on my own at a later time.
On saturday I am running my second halfmarathon. I am not very nervous really, after the Iron Man I almost feel like there is not anything I cannot conquer :P haha sorry if that came off too cocky. Hopefully my cold will have gone completely away by then, as of now I just have a bad cough.
My diabetes has suffered a bit the past few weeks because I have not paid much attention to it... I have had too much else going on, which is actually kind of nice :) I havent been too bothered with the highs eiter, but I can tell that my temper gets worse when I have a rollercoaster bloodsugar day/week. Unfortunally Mr. C gets the worst of it.. but I always try to appoligize afterwards! SORRY BABE!! ;)
Another thing with my diabetes - I HATE YOU!!! That has been my thought on and off for the past few days, allthough I try to push it away and not think about it, those thoughts are just like this stupid disease - they never go away! Learn to live with it is what they say, ah well.. I am still being taught every day how to live with it - hoping that getting my pump in october will make things a bit better! :)
Next week we are going on a hike with the class, three days and two nights with cooking our food and building our own shelters out in the wild. It will be interesting to say the least, and fun of course.
On another note.. I am getting inspired to do all these races.. I really really really want to improve my running and run a sub 4hr marathon. Being at the school I am at, "The swedish school of sport and health sciences", I get further more inspired to work out more and get even better at what I do.It seems like my inpsiration level is always at its highest when I am sick and cannot workout too, very conveniently it kind of goes away as I get healthy and can start working out again and I always struggle getting back into it... 
There is a lot of things going on in my life at the moment, which is awesome! Mr. C also has tons going on - new job :)!! I am so excited, happy and proud of him, myself and us for getting through all that we have together. It is crazy but we have managed to survive my diabetes diagnosis, deaths, living in different countries, adapting to a new country, being out of jobs, "not knowing what the hell we want to do with our lives"-situations and so much more... now it seems like everything is going in the right direction FINALLY!!
Last weekend we had an awesome time in Tellbergsgården celebrating my beautiful grandmother who turned 75!!! :) Here are some pics!