Tonight's low carb dinner :)
Veggie chicken, mushrooms, onion, spinach, tomatoes and broccoli.. So far so good getting through the day without meal time insulin :P
Veggie chicken, mushrooms, onion, spinach, tomatoes and broccoli.. So far so good getting through the day without meal time insulin :P
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Kategori: Allmänt
I just woke up, today I'm gonna drive Mr.C and his bike to work so he can ride the bike back.. And his work is right by a mall, so I'm gonna go have breakfast out there and do some school work until the mall opens at 11.. I'm gonna make another attempt at finding my graduation outfit, cause although I found some pretty things last time :P I didn't find the dress :/
Then I'm going home and maybe ill go workout, can't tell if I should start or not because I'm still waking up with a sore throat in the mornings.. And I really do not want to get the cold back again! But maybe a low intense eliptical workout would be alright still :)
Picture is from when I went out last weekend, it's of Jocelyn and I
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Kategori: Allmänt
Woke up at 6.45 am to go to west side market.. 3rd day in a row with waking up with the sunrise!! :) was totally alone at the market, just me and the vendors :) was great, think I'm gonna make this a tradition!! Then I went home and made a delicious breakfast with what I had bought.. Pic below.. Then chilled on the couch with some Greys and then Mr. C woke up and we watched parks and recreation and modern family two of our favorite shows we have in common.
Then he went on a bike ride and my friend Jamie came over and we made lunch, chatted, and studied until 3pm when I worked out, 1hour on the eliptical watching the mentalist, awesome when there's a TV attached to the machine :)
After that I went to a work meeting and now I'm back hanging out with Jamie getting ready for tonight :) gonna be a fun night, obviously I will take it easy on the drinks, because of my diabetes, I try to look at it this way tho... At least I won't be hungover the next day :P
Diabetes wise the day has been good too!! No high readings, and no extremely low either!! Yay!! Lets hope this is an indication of how this weekend will be :)
Tomorrow I'm going on a bikeride with Mr. C and some other friends, gonna be fun :) haven't been out since spring break!! Will try to take some pics both tonight and tomorrow to post :)
Woke up at 7am to watch the sunrise and complete a school assignment I had to have done by my class today at 10am.. Was very productive, it seems like I am never as productive as I am in the morning.. However it was a struggle to get up, but I boiled some tea (which I think is going to be my new thing instead of coke zero) and sat on the couch, put on some nice music from spotify and then got to work on my school stuff :) now it's 9am and I'm done with the assignment and still have another hour until class, so I'm gonna look around on Pinterest for some workout inspiration for today!! Planning a workout around 3pm today, maybe a run outside because its nice out :) after that I have to work at 5.45pm until 11 :/
Another thing, I'm trying to eat better and stick to a certain calorie count, both for myself and the diabetes, but I dont seem to get satisfied food wise... I always get hungry late at night, which I think is the worst too.. I need to try and find advice on how not to have that late night binge! Any suggestions?
View from my living room! :) BEAUTIFUL
Kategori: Diabetes
I've finally started to exercise again, I hope anyways :) Did my first workout today in a week and a half. Went 30min on the eliptical and then I did some upper body strength for 15min .. In other words, a short workout, but I still have a sore throat, so I think it is important to take things slowly. The workout went great, the upper body strength workout was awesome, I found it on Pinterest (picture above), have lookes a lot on exercise and health recently... In other words, Ive been very eager to start training again.
Diabetes-wise, today has been a rollercoaster, I worked this morning at 8 and had oatmeal with raspberry jam and almond milk for breakfast, took five units which felt way too much ... but it wasnt, an hour and a half later during work my sugar was 12.7, so took 2 units of insulin .. and an hour after that I was down at 3.8 ... I should definetely had been more careful and taken less insulin when I was high .. but feels strange how high my tops are and how deep my lows are, kinda odd I think. After this happened I obviously felt like s**t and by then I was done with work and was going to go work out at home... luckily I felt much better after working out and eating my delicious lunch that I wrote a post about earlier.
About school .. Now I'm done with most of the week, only one thing left for tomorrow that I have to do tonight, hopefully it will only take an hour, because I want to try to go to bed early .. seems like my sugar is more stable when I sleep more ... But I can always go to bed on time and wake up earlier to finish my school work. Today it was awesome to wake up before the sunrise, feels like it could be a new thing for me, waking up with the sun! :)
Now Im at my first class of the day, and after this one I have another class that is a lot more fun, it is about psychological disorders, which is very interesting to learn about.
Should do this every day... But then ill need to try to go to bed earlier ;)
Kategori: Allmänt
Have one exam tonight in abnormal psychology and one tomorrow in gendered communication.. And then two assignments due on Wednesday and one on Thursday.. One could say I'm kind of busy this week :/
On too of that I'm still sick, head hurts like crazy from sinuses being clogged and my sugar is still really instable although I'm taking significantly more insulin.. Thank god I'm graduating in just a little over a month!!! :)
I will make sure to post about my Easter weekend later which was great :) best I could have had other than being at my summer house