
My name is Joanna and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 22. Other than having diabetes I am also an athlete, student, girlfriend, swimcoach, receptionist, boardmember, avid baker, and the list goes on... Interested to learn more? - then read my blog why dont you ;)

My brother is smart...

Kategori: Allmänt

Have worked out every day this week!! SUCCESS!!! Although the workouts havent been intense or long, around an hour, I am feeling very accomplished going into next week.. However am falling a little behind on school work, but that is not unusual and I always oull through in the end anyways. As I have mentioned before, I am so sick of school!!
Diabetes wise I am starting to freak out a bit about having to take another HbA1c so soon again...because I freaked out before last time, but I feel like my sugar had been way more stabile before that time than now. I have had a month now of instabile readings due to various infections. Anyhow, I guess I just have to do it anyways and if its bad, try to make it better for next time... I read something online though about how the first 2 years after diagnosis are the most important in preventing future complications from the diabetes, which made me realize I need to be even more careful.. However it is a constant debate in my consious whether or not to do certain things, that on the other side might make me feel good and happier for the moment, but could also lead to a worse sugar reading or another infection. What I am talking about is mainly going out. I am not one of those people that usually go out that much anyways, however, I am still in college and only have 3 weeks left of it too, which feels like something worth celebrating for, dont you think??? I mean partying is what college is all for, should I have to stay in just because I now have diabetes??? At the same time, the times I do go out these days, like for example on thursday and saturday this week, I quickly realize how a little alcohol makes such a great impact on my body and sugar readings, almost instantly, and also how it effects the day after. Part of me feel like I should be smarter about these situations, and part of me feel like I am probably too hard on myself, cause I usually am... and maybe I should cut myself some slack.. But then I think about it another way - its my health we are talking about here, dont I have to be hard on myself when it comes to that????
Part of this is what my brother and I talked about earlier today when we skyped, how it is important to take some time to get used to the new situation and to always remember that it is going to get better down the road... I also talked to him about how it is difficult to have a chronical disease that dominates everything of your life, but to the people around you it seems almost as if everything was the same. He was being very supportive and insightful.. crazy, but my little brother is all grown up! He even has his own apartment that he actually owns! and a fulltime job... by some standards people would probably consider him even more grown up than me.
Thats all for tonight,


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