Lots of tasty high carb food = HIGH
Kategori: Allmänt
The last 24hrs I have had quite a lot of very tasty but high carb foods, these are the times I wish I didnt have diabetes. But it does not work like that, I will have to learn how to deal with that as well, how to not care if my bloodsugar goes up just because I am having pumpkin bread or a hotel breakfast. I love doing those things, but its not a part of my everyday routine.. so why do I get upset about my sugar getting high from it, when it is so rare?? Maybe it is because I enjoy baking, I enjoy having breakfast with my friends, or having panini for lunch with Mr.C and I do not wasnt my high bloodsugar to shadow these otherwise very happy moments in my life. It is a tricky disease.. should you be avoid the carbs like the plague, feel upset when your bloodsugar gets high or is there an in between, I have not yet figured that out - but I will let you know when I do! :)
Anyways.. not thinking about diabetes I have had a pretty good last 24hrs, for some reason I was so emotional and bitchy yesterday, like I could not stop finding stuff that annoyed me, and you all know who unfrotunately got the worst of it. Remind me to thank him later!
Yesterday it took us forever to figure out what we were going to do with our day together, partly what made me frustrated, and then our clothes did not match which made me frustrated again (why did this frustrate me yesterday?? I have no clue, it doesnt usually frustrate me, I had one of those days!). After a lot of back and forth we decided to go to the English shop before his appointment with the naprapath who is helping him with his runners knee. We found the pumpkin puree!!! :) And when he was at his appointment I worked out which was great cause I could blow off some steem.. felt a lot better after working out! I havent been able to the past few days because I pulled something in my left hamstring on thursday and I have a 30k trailrun on sunday and didnt want to make it worse... Thus no workout = added frustration!
Last 24hrs in pictures:
Kantarellpasta for dinner!!! Sooo good :)
Pumpkinbread for dessert - ITS FALL!!!! :P
Breakfast this morning with Mikaela and Fanny. We were all going to swim in the morning, but only Fanny did.. I woke up at 5.30 to go siwmming but my CGM had been beeping during the night because of high bs and hgih bs gives me nightmares (literarily) so I had a bad nights sleep, and slept until 7 - AWESOME!
Now I am in school for a seminar, then I am teaching some classmates how to swim :P and after that we are studying for our final on thursday.
// Joanna (hoping my bloodsugar will come down soon)