White collar cliffhanger, suspense is killing me!!
Kategori: Allmänt
Mr. C and I have gotten into a new show, White Collar, and just watched the last episode of season 4 before he had to get ready for work.. it was a superbig cliffhanger at the end of the epsiode, I cannto handle not knowing, especially not when I have to focus on school work for the rest of the day, so had to go on IMDB and see what happened in season 5 hahaha (I am redicolous I know). Mr.C is just laughing at me saying its just a TV show, but I cannot help but get invested in it haha
Tonight I am going for another run with my newly started running group called "We Run Diabetes", we run every wednesday at 6pm and we all have diabetes! There are almost 40 members to the facebook group, so far 4 people have turned up to the runs, but hoping more will join. The point of the running group is for us with diabetes to have an opportunity to meet people with more than diabetes in common, which might be the case in the ordinary "fika" meeting. In this group we have two things in common; diabetes and the love/like for excercise! :)
Yesterday I swam with my classmates, I have been teaching some of them how to become better swimmer, I really enjoy it! Its so awesome going to a school where everyone share the same interest of excercising and learning new things :)
Very awesomd to have a pool at your diposal right at school too :P
In front of me today I have a full day of studying for my final tomorrow, so I better start now!
// Joanna (not too excited about studying today, its raining and all I wanna do is cuddle up on the couch)