Up and down we go
Kategori: Allmänt
Mood swings, glucose roller coasters, minor personality crisis...
I am thinking that some unsteady hormone levels are involved, I am happy one second and the next I am confused and upset. Like the other day at school, I had decided to do a project about triathlon, but after a discussion with my teacher who told me it was okay to do what I was going to do but gave me some insight in what might be better... I got so confused! And in all honesty I have been confused with my schooling for a long time. Dont get me wrong, I feel like its the right program and school for me, but I am struggling to know what I should focus on. Triathlon or swimming is the big question. With triathlon I feel like a newbie who is just trying to stay afloat, with swimming I know a lot and feel comfortable. I came to the conclusion that thinking about what I want to work with in the future - endurance athletes and possibly in regards to diabetes - the sound choice is to do projects focusing on swimming but also endurance. I can do projects and essays regarding endurance training but use swimming as my foundation in making these. That way I can base my projects of something I know well, I think if I would do similar projects within triathlon I would only be able to scratch the surface on the matters I actually want to write about, because I would be busy learning the sport as well... you get my point right? Plus I like swimming, I think it will always be a big part of my life... its just that right now I am not that interested in swimming myself... its hard to do something you used to be great at!
Anyhow... I sort of had an aha moment in the classroom there, and thank god I did, because I felt like I was having quite the personal crisis there?! "Like who am I and what do I want to do?!"- kind of moment.
Ive accomplished some pretty good workouts the past few days, even though my energy level neither mentally or physically has been great.. ran 15km on monday with a good pace of 5:47. Went on the trainer on tuesday for 30minutes even though I was having a shitty day and no motivation.
Also did some baking today, french bread with a rising dough that rose quite well (always tricky). I put the dough in the oven when it was turned off and put a hot pot of water in there as well to create some moisture and heat but not too much, thats a trick I learned from a TV baking show that I watch :) Bread turned out great, 5+ out of 5 according to my mother!
Love our view, cannot believe that Mr. C and I have gotten so far together that we can now call this view ours.. to be owning our own apartment at our age I think is something to be proud and feel lucky about
This evening it was time for the usual "We Run Diabetes" run.. it was a very fun and quick run around Årstaviken. Glucose dropped - but whats new - hopeful that I will be able to figure out a "solution" to this problem soon.. for my own sanity I need to figure out a way to not drop so hard during workouts!
To sum it up... I dont really know where I am going now, but I tell myself if I keep doing what feels right it will all probably work out well. If you try your hardest how can anything really go wrong?! - thats what I keep telling myself at least ;)
// Joanna (thankful for a stable nighttime glucose - it was not stable earlier - thankful for the little things)