bad bad CGM
Kategori: Allmänt
So about an hour after my last post about how great the CGM was, it failed me!!! All of a sudden it stopped working and I cannot fix it - gotto love texhnology, but I hate it when you depend on it and it doesnt work.
Instantly I noticed how much it has helped me because I experiences two bad hypos in the matter of just 8 hours. First on the bikeride home, to the point where I had to stop only 2km away from home to test my sugar, it was 2.3mmol/L and I was struggling with every pedal stroke home - my body kept telling my brain to stop, it sucks having to force your body to not stop, I always wonder when I am pushing myself too hard?!
The second hypo came in the middle of the night... woke up and felt dizzy almost hallucinating, and after a little I tested my sugar and it was 2.8 mmol/L, I took 3 sugar tabs even though I felt like eating the eniter fridge, then forced myself back to sleep. Now this morning I feel awful and like it is a bad idea to force my body to a 1.5hr run today, might have to rescheduele it for tomorrow unfortunately.
This is how the screen has looked like for about 16 hours now :(
I hope it all of sudden starts working again, I have litterarily tried everyhtin - even calling the USA hotline for Dexcom CGMs since the swedish one was like "oh no we do not help with cgm dexcom on the weekends, call back on monday" - how can they do that?! As if the dexcom knows not to break on a weekend so thats why no one ever needs help with it on a weekend. I mean, it is almost a matter of life or death here - I know I am exaggerating a little here, but if I wouldnt have woken up from my low in the middle of the night it could have been. Also when you have a CGM you depend on it, so when it does not work, it really sucks! By the way, the only reason I did not get help from the USA hotline was because I dont live there anymore, otherwise they would have fixed my problem then and there - stuff like that makes me not like Sweden as much. We are way behind on customer service thats a certain!
Anyhow, I am still having a day alone in the apartment today - I hope I can enjoy it still!
// Joanna (when I get frustrated, I get really frustrated, drama queen - yes thats me!)