My english is awful
Kategori: Allmänt
I have been absent for a little I know! Why?!
- because I feel like my english sucks right know compared to how it used to be, I dont want sucky english blog posts.
So.. why write in english?!
- because I want to ultimately reach friends and people from all over the world!
So here we go, I am going to TRY HARDER to type better english :)
Since you heard from me last I have really improved my training regime. I believe Lidingöloppet, the 30K trail run, ignited something in me. As the competetive person I am I want to try harder to be better! I am doing the Stockholm winter marathon in november and I want to be prepared.
This weeks workouts;
Monday - 1 hour gym
Tuesday - 1 hour swim in the morning, 40min run in the evening
Wednesday - 45min mountainbike
Thursday - 1 hour swim in the morning, 1 hour run in the afternoon
Friday - 1 hour 20min bikeride
Saturday - 1 hour 30min bikeride
(Sunday - 1 hour 30min run)
Total of 10 hours :)
Looking at this it is hard to believe that I used to easily be able to work out 20 hours a week. I have a lot of other commitment at the present moment though, which makes it harder to squeese in workouts plus I have diabetes which adds on the difficulty.
On my way to swim practice at 6:30am, beautiful sky and crisp air!
After my first run on tuesday, solid 5K pace - 26min11sec
After my run on thursday, intervals and running technique training with 4 of my classmates - superintense but also a ton of fun!
I have had my CGM now for a month and a half - it has been (diabetes)lifechanging!! In the beginning I did not notice an improvement, but now its massive!!! I have figured out how to lower my basalrate for exercise and lower it to avoid hypos and extra/unnecessary calorie intake. In other words - a better life quality!!! It used to be so frustrating how I had to eat almost as many calories as I burned - COUNTERPRODUCTIVE! Another counterproductive aspect is that hypos slows your recovery down significantly and can almost erase the gains from the workout you just completed, but since this doesnt happen as much with the CGM, my workouts have doubled in productivity ;)
I have had a pretty busy week, but tomorrow I am having a whole day alone at home just to myself - love those days!! No offense to Mr.C, love having him home too, but I need my alone time. I am also going for a long run - unfortuantely on my own (major dislike) - but I have to do it!
//Joanna (excited for my day off tomorrow)