Gonna be a nice dinner :P
Oven baked Salmon in white wine, olive oil, salt and pepper, dill, and lemon :) and boiled potatoes with dill :)
Oven baked Salmon in white wine, olive oil, salt and pepper, dill, and lemon :) and boiled potatoes with dill :)
Everything from west side market, 9 grain loaf of bread, alpine cheese, and cucumber = DELICIOUS LUNCH!!! :P
Kategori: Allmänt
It's hard to have limitations when you are a person who likes to do whatever you want ... I am a person who likes to be in control... so when my sugar goes up and down all the time without reason and me knowing why it kind of sucks. But life is all about adjustments and this is just another one.
Had at least a good walk today, except that it started off with a low blood sugar :( Walked around town and ended up doing a small shopping trip to tower city. Bought slippers that are super comfortable and bath and body works lotions, as well as champagne and champagne glasses to celebrate that Mr. C accepted a job today :) Was Moet and very good. Also bought a lollipop that was very good :P
Applebees was pretty good, it was fun to go out and eat dinner, but they do not have that much vegetarian food there. Had tilapia, with potatoes and vegetables and a house salad. Was pretty good ... my absolute favorite restaurant chain is Cheesecake Factory :) so good! and so unhealthy haha :P made a little misstake, it's not our "half way anniversary" today, it's in a month haha woops! :P
Tomorrow we are doing Easter dinner! :) Gonna be awesome!
Happy Easter <3
GLAD SVENSK PÅSK!!! Happy Swedish Easter!!! This is a Swedish "påsk-kärring"
Kategori: Allmänt
Diabetes today has been a bit so and so... have been down to 4.4 and then up to over 10, so a bit up and down today .. was a shame, because it went pretty well yesterday, but life with diabetes is a rollercoaster.
Tonight I went down to the bar at the bottom of our apartment building for like 10min, Mr.C was downt here too and he said that many of our friends were there, so I thought after being isolated in my apartment for like a week, maybe I should socialize a little bit .. but didnt last that long haha ... my throat has got more sore again, hope it goes away after my chilling day tomorrow and power walking might help a little too, a little more oxygen circulating in your blood is supposed to be good when you're sick.
Happy Easter!
Swedish Easter Egg, looks soooo delicious!!! :P
Kategori: Allmänt
Even though it does not look like it when you look out the window (its around 32 degrees and snow on and off) this weekend is Easter weekend! I skyped with my family today as they were in the car going to our summer house for the tradititional Easter celebrations we have there... sooo jealous!! Next year I'll be there though! I always look forward to the Easter celebrations at our summerhouse because they mark the first time going there after the new year and it gives me the feeling that SUMMER IS AROUND THE CORNER ! :) When I told Mr.C THIS he said that we got to make our Easter even better! I replied that it is probably impossible :P , but we can try. SO now the plan is that instead of going to CIncinnati we'll stay in Cleveland, because both of us are sick anyways, and we are gooing to go to the west side market and buy everything we need to mimic a traditional "Bohuslän" (location of summerhouse) Easter lunch :) I am really looking forward to it, we are going to make potatoes and maybe some salmon or something like that! :) Maybe a strawberry cake too, who knows ... the strawberries taste pretty good here in the U.S. already :) We are going to do this on Saturday, but first this Friday we are going to go to Applebees because Mr.C got a gift card from his swimmers that he coached for high school. Moreover, Friday is our half-anniversary date for when we first got together, we both think it's silly to celebrate that, but now that we have the gift card we thought why not celebrate the day just a little anyways... Either of us have been in such a long relationship before, thats worth celbrating right!?! :P
Starting to realize that diabetes is a pretty serious disease and that I need to be a little more careful, but it's hard, hard to realize that I actually have a chronic disease. I think I still have not processed the fact that I have it and I think it will probably take a while before I do that, but I promise to tell you how I finally come to realize, when I do which I hope I will some day... fingers crossed!
The sugar has been a bit high the past few days, but I have gotten it explained to me that it does when you have an infection, so you have to adjust the insulin to be not too high .. I have now been able to do that and today I have not had any high readings. SO thats a little victory!! :) You got to be grateful for the small things, hard to be sometimes, but you can not always expect grand things.
This day has still been a pretty good day, I am so grateful that I have my boyfriend's support. Dont think he realizes how much he helps me every day, I dont think he would understand even if I told him. I hope that eventually he will get to see how it is to live in Sweden, would be really fun to show him what it's like. I mean he has shown me how it is to live here, now it's my turn! :)
Hope you guys had a good day today! Or maybe at least had some smaller good things happen to you that you can feel greateful and happy about! ;)
Kategori: Allmänt
Yesterday I went and saw the doctor, and apparently I have a bacterial infection which is what caused my sore throat, so now I'm on antibiotics for 10 days. Im quite sick of being sick all the time. The doctor also said that when you have diabetes, you are more prone to colds and infections. So that was good to know, but a little hard and sucky to hear.
SO now Ive got to take new control, I have quite a lot of school work to do and a little more Greys Anatomy to watch, jk haha :P although I probably will watch a little more, such an addictive show ;)
We might be going to Cincinnati this weekend, where Mr.C is from, to celebrate Easter. It would be fun/awesome, but we'll see what happens.
One more thing, about this thing with the diabetes, I am open to any suggestions about what I can do to try to avoid getting sick just because of my diabetes and that the sugar is unstable sometimes. Anyone out there who might have personal experience with this? Thanks in advance for any answers :)
Salad with spring mix, tomatoes, cucumber, strawberry, feta cheese, veggie chicken strips and balsamic vinegrette... Was delicious!!! :)
Kategori: Allmänt
Went out on Friday, was a lot of fun ... but also gave me some insight, I can not party like I did before. Diabetes has changed that .. it's so weird how much more alcohol affects a type 1 diabetic compared to a normal person. So, I woke up Saturday morning with a headache and sore throat .. took it easy yesterday but was feeling worse and worse and felt very feverish ... sometimes it's tough, how diabetes affects me so much!
I now realize that I have to listen to my body better, this week I have tried to train hard while I did not give my body enough time to rest. I really need to make sure I go to bed on time in the future, most of the time anyway, if I wanna be able to reach the goals I set for myself.
This weekend we had a visit from Mr.Cs sister and her husband, they slept on an airmatress in our living room, it was awesome that they came and I got the chance to get to know them both better, our apartment is quite small, only one bedroom and a living room :) They went home today and after that Mr.C and I went on a big grocery run to Giant Eagle, bought lots of good, wholesome food including strawberries! will be yummy ... dinner tonight will be soup and salad, I will probably put some of the strawberries in the salad.. yummy yummy :P
The goal for the coming week is to first get rid of my cold and fever, and then to remain healthy with exercising, more sleep and a good diet. I think I need a little (big) life adjustment, especially since I have diabetes now. It makes it even more important to take care of myself. In a Greys Anatomy episode that I watched today there was a guy that did not take care of his diabetes and had a deep wound in his foot and had to amputate it. I realize that it's a TV series and not reality, but stuff like that can actually happen.
New week, new energy
Jocelyn and I are ready to have a fun evening! Soon Mr.Cs sister and her husband is joining us..
Been a rough day for my diabetes, been low a lot, have had a bunch to eat but only taken 2units of novo rapid!! Usually I would have taken about 6-8 units by now :S weird!!!
Anyhow, I'm not gonna let that stop me from enjoying my last couple of months in college!
Have heard back a lot from my American friends that my blog is only in Swedish.. However, all my posts are also translated to English, first the post is in Swedish but if you scroll down there is also a translation in English :) how could I ever not allow you guys to be able to read my blog!!?? :P
Picture is of Jocelyn and I chilling being tired at the pool before our supervisor meeting :P haha
Oatmeal with chia seeds wheat bran blueberries and banana.. Definitely a hit!! :) same thing tomorrow for sure!!
Kategori: Allmänt
Have had a lot to do today .. First, I woke up at 7 and felt like I had been hit by a train, was completely knocked out, had trouble falling asleep last night. Anyways, slept some more until 9 and then went to class, then lunch with Gretchen (friend from swimming), then another class, followed by working out for 1hrs30min, then working between 17:45 and 23, so 45 minutes left now yay! Have had two cokes so far to keep me awake: P not good must stop drinking soda! or so my mom says anyway, and Mr.C too actually: P haha
For lunch today, we went to a vegan restaurant and I had a mozzarella burger and carrot cake, soooo good: P
Tomorrow I am going out for lunch again, with Jocelyn this time (friend from lifeguarding).
I will write a bit more tomorrow, so tired today and not that much happened today anyways.... blood sugar has been good, I've eaten well and trained well. Tough but productive day in other words!
Ciao Ciao, ttyl!
At the pool, GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!! :P haha
Kategori: Allmänt
Just came home from the last class after a long day, with work, training, meetings, and classes to an apartment that was 100% cozy. The candles were lit and Tacos was made, yes you can eat tacos if you have diabetes: P, boyfriend (we'll call him Mr.C) was determined to be extra cozy tonight :). Now however, I am alone, but I think that is awesome too! Sitting on the couch, the lights are still lit, looking around a bit online, and watching Grey's Anatomy... and yes almost forgot sipping a Coke Zero also, for me, this is life on a stick, I've always appreciated my alone time. I appreciate it probably even more now that Mr.C and I live together.. that aside I love to live with him, even if it means less alone time. He has supported me so much lately.
Enough said about this, had a good workout today, it started very bad. Did not think I could get through the first mile, but then I decided to take it one step at a time and it went well. Ran 3.1miles on the treadmill, then 1.5miles in intervals with 6 different strength exercises 3 times through, overall it was 60min active training. Have decided to do shorter workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and longer workouts on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays or Sundays. Short workouts will be about 1h, the other will be 1.5h-2h. Will try to run 10km at least once a week to start with.
Now to the diabetes... As I said, felt crappy this morning, felt even worse in the middle of dinner tonight. Do not know what it was now at dinner, but while eating I started getting cold sweats like I do when I get low. Was at 4.0mmol/L before dinner, but does not feel low enough to begin to feel the symptoms, especially not after I had already started eating. Well, if it's something I have realized with this disease is that how my diabetes affect my body changes every day, probably because I am still in what is called the "honeymoon" stage. Wonder when it will be over?? Anyone know? : P
Had a good conversation with my former coach today, it gave me some insight to my four years here. Have begun to realize that I am closer to the end of this journey than I wanted to believe, even though I also cannot wait for this time .. Anyway, I will not walk away empty handed, I've made a lot of new friends, have a wonderful boyfriend, memories for a lifetime, and much much more that I do not want to list here, I would probably forget something anyways.
One last thing, I recently bought chia seeds, they are the new hip healthy seed that is supposed to give you more energy, and it feels like they actually give me more energy. That is what Mr.C says anyways, because I have come home every day talkative as a parrot and with a smile on my face. Sounds like it is something that is worth continuing with anyways, tastey to put in the oatmeal and smoothies. :)
Good Evening ;)
Så där någon gång ibland så vaknar jag och mår piss, typ som jag är superbakis men jag har inte druckit :/ detta skyller jag på diabetesen för set hände aldrig tidigare och händer alltid när jag har haft obalans med sockret dagen innan, vilket jag hade. Så vilketsom, skippa träning på morgonen, så sov en extra timme, var rätt skönt men ändå inte tillräckligt. Måste se till att få mer sömn, tror jag måste sätta en limit att jag minst måste få 8h per natt. Sömn är ju viktigt av många anledningar; enklare att hålla blodsockret jämt, det är viktigt för att hålla sig hälsosam och få bättre resultat av träningen, och dessutom så skulle jag nog vara mer närvarande i plugget om jag var lite mindre trött.
Hursom, nu är jag på jobbet, ska precis börja :/ kommer inte sakna att jobba som Lifeguard.. Är ett rätt tråkigt jobb,
Men vad gör man inte för pengar haha
Ska träna när jag jobbat klar vid 11.. Först måste jag ha samtal med min före detta tränare, men hoppas det går fort, han är duktig på att prata, men fingers crossed haha
Once in a while I wake up and feel awful, like I am super hung over but I have not been drinking :/ I blame this on diabetes, because it never happened before and always happens when I have had an imbalanced sugar the day before, which I did yesterday. So anyhow, I skipped the workout in the morning, so slept an extra hour was pretty good but still not enough sleep. Have to make sure to get more sleep, I have to put a limit that I at least have to get 8 hours a night I think. Sleep's so important for many reasons; easier to keep blood sugar more stabile, it is important for staying healthy and to get results from training, and I would probably be more present in school if I was a little less tired.
Anyway, now I'm at work, is about to start :/ will not miss working as a lifeguard .. Its a pretty boring job,
But what dont you do for money haha
Im working out when I finish working at 11 .. First I have conversations with my former coach, but I hope it goes pretty quick so I have more time for training, he's good at talking, but fingers crossed haha
Idag har jag glömt att ta mitt insulin två gånger, brukar ta det innan måltid. Men glömde helt bort både till lunch och middag. Vad lätt det är att tränga bort saker som man egentligen inte vill göra ibland. Måste bli bättring på detta men ibland får man ju som amerikansns säger "cut yourself some slack"
Snart läggdags, upp med tuppen inom också för träning innan jobb kl 8. Hörs!
Today I forgot to take my insulin twice, I usually take it before meals. But completely forgot both lunch and dinner doses, so had to take them afterwards. How easy it is to forget things that you really do not want to do sometimes. Must get better at this, but sometimes you also have to "cut yourself some slack". So I let myself do that today I guess. :P
Bedtime soon, up at dawn to get training done before work at 8am. Ttyl!
Min plats ikväll var framför Greys Anatomy, har börjat kolla på det från sässong 1, är nu på sässong 3 ;), borde pluggat, men det finns ju mer tid till det imorn! ;)
My spot tonight was in front of Grey's Anatomy, started over from season 1 on Netflix and am now on season 3, probably should have studied, but there is more time tomorrow! ;)
Tänka säg att man kan känna sig så åstadkommen redan klockan 8.30 på morgonen :) nu kan jag vara nöjd med resten av dagen, bara att se till att äts bra idag och sen på ett imorn igen bara ;) blandar nog dock lite lätt löpning med eliptical och simning imorn tror jag ;)
Feeling so accomplished already at only 8.30 in the morning :) now I can be proud during the rest of the day, just have to make sure that I eat good too and then go at it tomorrow again ;) Probably going to mix some light running with eliptical and swimming tomorrow I think;)
Kategori: Allmänt
About the diabetes, so I woke up with 7 mmol / L, which technically is a good reading, but I usually like to be lower in the mornings .. especially before training in the morning I wanna have more room to eat something with a little carbohydrate and sugar in it. This morning, I ate three finncrisp with cream cheese and cucumber, and a glass of smoothie that I had left over from yesterday. Felt like I needed to eat something more substantial because Im planning to work out for about 2 hours now. Will try to do a far run today, the goal is 10km, but we'll see, have not done it since I ran over Christmas break with my dad. Just packed the Dextrosol and sugary bars so I hope to make it ;) I would not want to get low! :P
Kategori: Allmänt
During the last 10 years of my life, I have dedicated a lot of time to swimming, which is nothing I regret because it's so much that had not happened if I did not do it .. I had not been able to study here in the U.S., would not have met my boyfriend, and I had would not have realized that sports can make me feel so good. This is why I now need a new goal! In August, I was on location in Kalmar when my dad took part in the Iron Man for the first time and it was so incredibly inspiring. I have long known that when my days as college athlete were over I would get started with triathlons, I love endurance sports, I am a pretty good runner, and I bought my first real bike early this year, so now I'm ready!
The first goal is a half marathon in the fall, then a full marathon next year, to get used to distance running, then I will see how the rest goes .. Eventually I will complete an Iron Man. This goal was something I already had before diabetes, but I decided right away I didnt want to let it get in the way. It would feel terrible to let diabetes take over my life and stop me from reaching my goals.
With that said, I'm still aware that it will be a tough journey, but I have never said no to a challenge and am not going to start now! ;)
Kategori: Allmänt
I November 2012 fick jag diagnosen Typ1 Diabetes (vid 22års ålder tyckte jag det var lite konstigt, eftersom jag trodde det var mest barn som fick typ 1) i mitten av min sista sässong som elitsimmare på Cleveland State University i USA. Skulle delta i de Amerikanska Mästerskapen i Texas bara ett par veckor senare, men var tvungen att åka hem fortast möjligt för att få vård i Sverige. Så en vecka efter akutbesök i USA var jag hemma i Sverige och blev inlagd direkt från flygplatsen. En månad senare kom jag tillbaka till USA och avslutade mitt sista och fjärde år som college idrottare på ett bättre sätt än jag någonsin skulle kunna önskat.
Detta är min historia om hur jag försöker att inse att jag kommer att vara beroende av sprutor, siffror och stick i fingret resten av mitt liv. Samt om vägen mot ett hälsosamt liv med diabetes.
In November 2012 I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, in the middle of my last season as an elite swimmers at Cleveland State University, USA. A couple of weeks after I was supposed to participate in the American Championships in Texas, but I had to go home as soon as possible for treatment in Sweden. So a week after the emergency visit to the U.S., I was back in Sweden and was admitted to the hospital right away. A month later, I came back to the U.S. and finished my last and fourth year as a college athlete, and it went better than I could ever had hoped for.
This is my story of how I try to come to terms with that I will be dependent on the syringes, numbers and finger pricks rest of my life. And my road to a healthy life with diabetes.