candles lit!
Kategori: Allmänt
Just came home from the last class after a long day, with work, training, meetings, and classes to an apartment that was 100% cozy. The candles were lit and Tacos was made, yes you can eat tacos if you have diabetes: P, boyfriend (we'll call him Mr.C) was determined to be extra cozy tonight :). Now however, I am alone, but I think that is awesome too! Sitting on the couch, the lights are still lit, looking around a bit online, and watching Grey's Anatomy... and yes almost forgot sipping a Coke Zero also, for me, this is life on a stick, I've always appreciated my alone time. I appreciate it probably even more now that Mr.C and I live together.. that aside I love to live with him, even if it means less alone time. He has supported me so much lately.
Enough said about this, had a good workout today, it started very bad. Did not think I could get through the first mile, but then I decided to take it one step at a time and it went well. Ran 3.1miles on the treadmill, then 1.5miles in intervals with 6 different strength exercises 3 times through, overall it was 60min active training. Have decided to do shorter workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and longer workouts on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays or Sundays. Short workouts will be about 1h, the other will be 1.5h-2h. Will try to run 10km at least once a week to start with.
Now to the diabetes... As I said, felt crappy this morning, felt even worse in the middle of dinner tonight. Do not know what it was now at dinner, but while eating I started getting cold sweats like I do when I get low. Was at 4.0mmol/L before dinner, but does not feel low enough to begin to feel the symptoms, especially not after I had already started eating. Well, if it's something I have realized with this disease is that how my diabetes affect my body changes every day, probably because I am still in what is called the "honeymoon" stage. Wonder when it will be over?? Anyone know? : P
Had a good conversation with my former coach today, it gave me some insight to my four years here. Have begun to realize that I am closer to the end of this journey than I wanted to believe, even though I also cannot wait for this time .. Anyway, I will not walk away empty handed, I've made a lot of new friends, have a wonderful boyfriend, memories for a lifetime, and much much more that I do not want to list here, I would probably forget something anyways.
One last thing, I recently bought chia seeds, they are the new hip healthy seed that is supposed to give you more energy, and it feels like they actually give me more energy. That is what Mr.C says anyways, because I have come home every day talkative as a parrot and with a smile on my face. Sounds like it is something that is worth continuing with anyways, tastey to put in the oatmeal and smoothies. :)
Good Evening ;)